DevFest Nairobi 2018, what you missed.

Duke Mtambo
2 min readOct 10, 2018


GDG (Google Developer Group) DevFest is a non-profit community event run by developers all over the world with an aim of improving and increasing the technological enthusiasm among people dedicated to tech-related areas. The events are scheduled to take place between August 1 and November 30. Each event is entirely unique, it shares a wide range of information to interested parties. Covering products such as Android, AI, IoT, FireBase, Google Cloud Platform, machine learning with TensorFlow and Mobile Web.

This years` Devfest meetup in Nairobi took place in USIU (United States International University)-Africa. Over 900+ developers, managers and students from within and outside Kenya attended the event.

Some of the topics that were covered in the session were the following:

  1. TensorFlow
(An image of Robert John, a Data Scientist delving into getting TensorFlow into production.)

TensorFlow is an open-source software library for dataflow programming. It is also used for machine learning applications and for production and research at Google.

2. Big Data on GoogleCloud

Big data is used to refer to extremely large data sets that may be analyzed using computers and programs to reveal patterns and trends.

It is summarized in 5Vs, Volume-(Data Size), Variety (Different forms of data sources), Veracity (Uncertainty of Data), Value (Impact) and Velocity(Speed of Change).

Here is a link in case you missed the talk session,

3. Building Smarter Apps with MLKit.

Google provides a software development kit, called MLKit, that generally offers the company`s technology such as machine learning for developers building Android and IOS mobile apps. The kit is comprehensive and approachable depending on your specific needs.

Some of the base APIs include Image Labelling, Text recognition, face detection, Barcode scanning, etc.

Those were just few of the many talks given during the festival. Others include machine learning, Arduino101 and codelab. Many people should be encouraged to attend such events as they help in developing a country and widely spreading knowledge. The events are free because knowledge should not face a greater barrier than the interest of those who want to learn it.

GDGs have promoted a good relationship between experts and other Techmakers.

The next DevFest will be held in Mombasa on the 13th of October. Here`s a link GDG MOMBASA

