Java: From Project Oak to Platform Powerhouse — A Journey Through History

Dulanjana Lakshan
3 min readAug 25, 2023


The history of Java is a fascinating journey that began in the mid-1990s. Java is a versatile, high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. Here’s a brief overview of its history:

Project Oak (1991–1992): James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton at Sun Microsystems started Project Oak, which aimed to create a new programming language for interactive television. The project evolved into what we now know as Java.

Green Project (1993): The project was renamed to Green and shifted its focus from television to developing a language for networked devices, particularly set-top boxes. The primary goal was to create a language that could run on various hardware platforms.

Java Language (1995): The team behind the project, led by James Gosling, introduced the Java programming language in May 1995. Java was designed to be platform-independent, meaning that programs written in Java could run on any device with a compatible Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

“Write Once, Run Anywhere” Philosophy: One of Java’s most significant contributions to programming was its promise of “write once, run anywhere.” This was possible due to the Java bytecode, an intermediate representation of the code that could be executed on any platform with a JVM.

Java Applets (mid-1990s): Sun introduced Java applets, which were small programs that could be embedded in web pages and executed within web browsers. This brought interactivity to the web and contributed to Java’s popularity.

Java 2 (1998): The release of Java 2 (later renamed Java SE) brought significant enhancements to the language, including the Swing GUI toolkit and the Collections Framework. This version solidified Java’s position as a powerful and versatile programming language.

Open Sourcing (2006): Sun Microsystems open-sourced Java under the GNU General Public License (GPL), resulting in the creation of the OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit). This move encouraged community involvement in the language’s development.

Oracle’s Acquisition (2010): Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems, including Java, in 2010. This acquisition raised concerns about the future direction and licensing of the language.

Java 8 (2014): Java 8 introduced lambda expressions, the Stream API, and other functional programming features, modernizing the language and making it more attractive to developers working on concurrent and data-intensive applications.

Java 9, 10, 11…: Subsequent versions of Java continued to bring new features and improvements, including the module system introduced in Java 9 and the long-term support (LTS) releases like Java 11.

Project Jigsaw (2017): Java’s modular system, known as Project Jigsaw, was introduced to help manage the complexity of large software projects and improve maintainability.

Project Valhalla, Panama, Loom (Ongoing): These ongoing projects aim to improve Java’s performance, memory efficiency, and developer productivity by introducing features like value types (Project Valhalla), better native integration (Project Panama), and more efficient concurrency (Project Loom).

