Dulce K Morales
3 min readOct 10, 2018

Why Life Insurance?

As a border-line ‘Type-A’ planner I constantly think, “what will happen if, God-Forbid, I do die young and my kids are left behind without mommy?”

Well, that thought terrifies me. I become very sad thinking about that because I think, no-one will love them the way I do. My love for my kids is unique. It is something I never experienced before. It is pure, self-less, unconditional. Unfortunately I cannot leave behind a replica of me to make sure they feel my love everyday.

That fear of course comes because it is out of my control. I cannot do anything about it but pray that somehow they know who I was and how much I love(d) them.

What I am not frightened about is their financial freedom and well-being. These two things I can control. We are fortunate to have have many loving individuals around us that will take great care of my kids and they have an amazing father that will always take very good care of them.

I also have a way to control their financial freedom. I can make sure they have money set aside for the essentials: a home, food, clothes, school-supplies, etc. And I can set more money aside for college, their future dreams, a business, a wedding. I have done this by setting a small budget aside and investing in Life Insurance and some other investments accounts we can review another day. Life insurance, however, gives me the peace-of-mind I need to know that they will be okay. Nothing can replace my love for them, no-one (in my mind) will love them the way I do. BUT with having financial security my children will be able to reach their dreams and be able to live comfortably which is something I work for everyday.

Maybe you are thinking, “well my family will step in and take care of them completely, including financially.” The fact is that no-one expects to do this until it happens. So at that point it is a lot harder to put the plans into motion. For me, I want to make sure this is taken care of up-front as it is in my control to do so. Once I set the expectation of the budget into place and the amount of money I can set aside for this month after the month, the rest was easy. It doesn’t break the bank and it doesn’t cut into any of my other normal spending habits. Doing this is a lot easier than trying to save for all of those costs dollar for dollar.

If you haven’t spoken with your current insurance agency, please feel free to give our office a call and we can any questions you may have.

Dulce K Morales

Morales Insurance Agency /FB @MoralesInsAgency / IG@dulcek6583 #moralesinsuranceagency