I'm 80 years old so I'll order some immediately.Not Ga-Ga yet and I'd prefer not to be.Oct 301Oct 301
ALL reality is SUBJECTIVE, a creation of the mind.There is No OBJECTIVE reality, independent of an observer.Oct 101Oct 101
Everyone is their INNER or Consciousness, Brahman.But they see themselves as their OUTER or Form, the self, a psychological prison.Oct 6Oct 6
You have written a fairly detailed post about Brahman and Atman and Advaita, without ever…Apr 281Apr 281
What you call spirit, and Christians call Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, is what Hindus and Buddhists…Both The Buddha and Advaita Vedanta (Hinduism) say that consciousness is what is real, and the physical/material world mere Maya. Maya is…Apr 232Apr 232