— Changing the world one mood at a time

gabi dumitriu
3 min readOct 7, 2016


Let’s mood up your day: We are announcing our MoodCrawler Initial Coin Offering

MoodCoin is the official crypto currency of the soon to be developed MoodCrawler platform, the first platform that rewards users for helping others.

The MoodCrawler ICO will open Monday, October 24th 2016 through November 24th 2016. Initial offering price will be $0.07 USD. A total of 68 million MDC have been allocated to the ICO.

The MoodCrawler Platform

You might ask yourself: why do we need such a platform? We need it because we live in an unhappy world and we can all work together to fix that.
The idea behind MoodCrawler started from a simple question that has always followed us: ‘What do we need to be happy?’ After years or researches and studies, the most common answer was, without surprise: money. But since money is just a tool and not the purpose of the journey, what makes us really happy is the satisfaction from helping others. So taking these two happiness ingredients, money and empathy and making them interconnected, we get MoodCrawler.
MoodCrawler is a platform that facilitates and rewards positive human interaction. It is a platform that brings together like-minded people and creates an environment in which users present problems and offer solutions. This problem-solving process between two or more users generates value that translates into a reward system.

The MoodCoin

MoodCoin is a cryptocurrency designed specifically for the purpose of functioning hand in hand with the MoodCrawler platform.
The platform pays users for helping each other for solving those problems that others posted on the platform. For that, following the Proof Of Stake protocol, we created the “MoodCoin”, a cryptocurrency that once listed will be convertible into Bitcoin and any other traditional currency. So, yes, we are talking about real money.

The MoodCrawler Ecosystem

MoodCrawler is not just a platform that facilitates and rewards positive human interaction. The idea behind MoodCrawler is to create an environment in which the user can be introduced to a wide range of concepts. The beauty behind MoodCralwer is that it adapts to users’ needs. In this way the user can become an active and decisive part of the Moodcrawler ecosystem
And that’s only scratching the surface. Imagine all the possibilities. So stay tuned, there’s plenty to be excited about…[/size]

We believe in the power of examples, and with MoodCrawler you will be able to see tons of good examples, this is the real power that can change the world. You will help someone and the platform will reward you for that, yes we can make this possible together.

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gabi dumitriu

Bitcoin consultant | Founder @ | rewarding quadcopter pilots with cripto for the content they create