Dumpstah Betty
1 min readMar 11, 2016


After reading your article I assumed you were a progressive feminist, the type that understands what feminism really is. That feminism isn’t creating a superiority complex for all women, but an equal playing field in which gender is a biological descriptor and nothing more. But your comment responses show a side to you that seems other-wise. Men are allowed opinions too. He was sharing with you Bernie’s ties. He supports women. And while I understand the struggle you face in picking a candidate, at the same time, through true feminism, aka gender EQUALITY, gender shouldn’t even be something you struggle with in making a choice to vote. How a candidate treats gender is important, but their biological makeup has nothing to do with why you should vote for them. Don’t talk down to a man because he doesn’t agree with you and was born with a penis. If Steveanne had said the same comment would you have responded with an attack?

