Elevating User Experience: Walmart’s Homepage Redesign

Duna Murad
5 min readMay 30, 2023



In the fast-paced world of online retail, a seamless user experience (UX) is crucial for engaging customers and fostering their loyalty. When users visit a renowned shopping superstore like Walmart, they expect nothing less than a digital experience that rivals the convenience and intuitiveness of an actual store. The potential of a well-designed website is immense — it can transform online shopping from a mere task to a delightful and immersive journey.

Motivated by this vision, I undertook the task of revamping Walmart’s website landing page, with a primary focus on enhancing content organization and improving user experience. By reimagining existing content and transforming it into interactive sections infused with visual allure, my goal was to ensure that users could effortlessly navigate the website and enjoy a more gratifying online shopping experience.

You can view the final result here.

Website Header

Points of improvement

During the evaluation of Walmart’s website, particular attention was given to the header section, which serves as a pivotal area with high user engagement. Here, several design mistakes were identified, which are outlined below:

  1. Font Size: One significant issue observed was the small font size used in the header section. This choice could potentially render the text unreadable for users. Increasing the font size would greatly enhance readability and user experience.
  2. Organization: The sections within the top header appeared disjointed and unrelated. For instance, the account, cart, and flyer sections were positioned in close proximity despite serving different purposes. This lack of cohesion may confuse users and hinder their ability to locate specific functionalities easily. A more logical arrangement, grouping related elements together, would greatly improve the overall organization.
  3. Search Bar: Given the vast range of products available on Walmart’s website, the search bar should offer an option to limit search results to specific categories. This functionality would enable users to refine their searches and promptly find the products they desire, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the search experience.

Addressing these design issues in the header section would significantly contribute to an improved user experience, enhancing readability, organization, search functionality, and overall visual appeal. By prioritizing these changes, Walmart can ensure that users find navigating the website a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Current Website Header

Header Redesign

Taking into account the identified areas for improvement, I have incorporated them into my redesigned version of Walmart’s website, while still maintaining its familiar brand identity. The focus was on enhancing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Noteworthy changes were made to the header section, ensuring clear identification and appropriate sectioning of elements.

New Website Header


Points of improvement

Slideshows serve as a powerful tool for presenting content through a combination of visual elements and text. Similar to the banners seen in physical stores, they play a crucial role in capturing users’ attention.

However, upon evaluation, it became evident that the current designs of the slideshows on Walmart’s website lack consistency and fail to deliver an appealing visual experience. The functionality of buttons, such as the play and pause buttons, does not meet expected standards, posing potential accessibility risks, making the design non-inclusive.

Current Slideshow

Slideshow Redesign

To ensure the slideshow on Walmart’s website remains both visually appealing and coherent, I focused on incorporating elements that will maintain consistency throughout. The revamped slideshow now includes the following components:

  1. Consistent Background: This ensures a unified visual experience and provides a seamless transition between different content segments.
  2. Relevant Imagery: By aligning the visuals with the slideshow’s subject matter, we create a stronger visual connection for users, enhancing their understanding and engagement.
  3. Title and Description: This helps users quickly grasp the content being showcased. Additionally, a descriptive caption or description accompanies each slide, providing further details or highlighting key points.
  4. Call-to-Action Button: This button is strategically placed, beneath the description, and prompts users to take specific actions, such as exploring more or making a purchase.
New Slideshow Design

Seasonal Section

users to conveniently find the most sought-after products for the current season. However, during the evaluation process, it became evident that the buttons within these sections were not effectively organized. The mixing of price, product, and activities on these buttons can cause confusion and detract from the user experience. To address this issue, a more intuitive and user-friendly approach was implemented.

Current Seasonal Section

Seasonal Section Redesign

To enhance user engagement and provide a more informative shopping experience, the seasonal section on Walmart’s website has undergone a redesign. This redesign includes the addition of descriptive title and brief description, offering users a glimpse into the purpose and content of the section.

Furthermore, the section has been transformed to feature six distinct category cards, highlighting the most sought-after product categories for the current season.

New Seasonal Section

Sections Redesign

Promotional Offer

Current Promotional Offer
New Promotional Offer

Grocery Section

Current Grocery Section
New Grocery Section

Pharmacy App

Current Pharmacy Banner
New Pharmacy Banner


In conclusion, the redesign of Walmart’s website has focused on enhancing the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) to create a more engaging and intuitive platform for online shopping. Through thorough research and analysis, several key areas were identified for improvement, including the header section, slideshow feature, and seasonal sections.

