Duncan Geoghegan
2 min readMar 28, 2017


I see the point you’re trying to make, however.

Me: boss wants author to write more feminine, wants author’s colleague to write more masculine. Boss and/or author is confused.

You: boss uses stereotypes to classify writing styles, non-conformity of which aggravates boss sufficiently for boss to complain. Author is not confused.

Me: boss is not using stereotypes to classify writing styles, based on the following:

let that get in the way of his writing. He’s kind of a girl like that.

Boss associates inability to write with feminine attributes.

boss Pinkwashed my writing to make it sound more “feminine”

Boss likes feminine attributes.

Here you conflate with the stereotype argument, that boss likes feminine, emotional writing styles from female authors, and non-emotional writing styles from male authors, i.e. the male colleague.

However, the boss is actually saying that women let their emotions get in the way of their writing, not that emotions are the source of their writing style.

He is like a girl, emotions hinder his writing.


He is like a girl, his writing style is emotional.

I wanted to grab him by the arms and shake him, scream in his face until he heard me, stress cry and scream at the sky until the world made sense. But I did not cry.

This was just interesting in that the author seems to be saying she’s a hard-headed non-emotional, kick-ass feminist who does not conform to those girly stereotypes, but then admits she is actually sufficiently emotional to want to physically assault her boss. And I’m not saying the boss is great guy or anything, perhaps he deserves assault, many do, but the whole thing smells like a horse’s arse.

how do you navigate the world being this dense in the head?

With great difficulty. Sometimes I just stay in bed all day going over old Medium posts replying to people who think I’m dense. Occasionally I’ll roll out of bed for a shit or a bit of yesterday’s kebab, but that’s about it.

your Reasonable Man’s Opinion (tm) has been duly noted and is quite shit.

We have a term for this in law in the UK, it’s the man on the Clapham omnibus, but yours is good too.

