InsChain: higher efficiency for agents and win-win results for all

Dung Lai
2 min readMar 7, 2018


In previous articles, insChain has elaborated on the innovation and convenience brought by blockchain, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence to the insurance sector. These technologies will be integrated into future insChain products. How can these technologies be deployed by Hong Kong and mainland agents? Here are two simple scenarios for reference.

1.Imagine a client is going to Hong Kong for work and is in urgent need of an insurance product. The agent might be very helpful, but the lack of transparency means a prolonged review process, which might disappoint the client or even result in the client arriving at Hong Kong without being covered by any insurance product. insChain really come in handy, and can satisfy both the agent and the client. With the insChain system, the agent can ask the client a few simple questions and obtain real-time price quote via access to public database. The client’s medical history or physical examination records can also be incorporated into the public database to drastically shorten the review period. What’s more, the blockchain technology of insChain provides further security and convenience of information storage. In a word, agents will be able to sell more products and offer more individualized service to customers.

2.An agent busy preparing materials for a visiting client under heavy time pressure will find insChain chat-bot very helpful. By asking a set of simple questions, insChain chat-bot can analyse the client’s demand, calculate the total amount of premium as well as the suitable policy period and recommend the most relevant products for clients accordingly. insChain system will compare different insurance products (even products from different suppliers) and underline the differences. The analysis only serves as supporting material, based on which agents can understand client needs more efficiently and alter some minor details to offer more customized service for clients. Upon selecting the suitable insurance product, agents can directly place an order via insChain “Get” without the trouble of extra quoting.

These two examples have showcased how insChain products empower agents to serve customers in a more convenient, precise and individualized manner. insChain aims for win-win results, i.e. providing quality service for customers while enabling agents to efficiently serve more customers. The above-mentioned two scenarios have partially come true in many developed countries. insChain is accelerating the launch of the system along with these premium services to benefit the insurance industry in China.

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