HTTP/2: speed up your apps and dispatch real time updates (Symfony and API Platform’s features announcement)

Kévin Dunglas
1 min readOct 26, 2018


HTTP/2 can improve the loading time of webpages up to 2 times. Did you know that it’s very easy to optimize your Symfony applications to leverage the advanced features of this new protocol?

This talk also contains the announcement of 3 new PHP packages:

  • Symfony Mercure Component
  • Symfony Mercure Bundle
  • Mercure integration in API Platform


  • a historically contextualized presentation of the different versions of the HTTP protocol;
  • a state of the protocol support in the PHP ecosystem;
  • a guide explaining how to serve your PHP and Symfony apps with h2, using Nginx, Apache and Docker;
  • many code samples showing how to use h2 to improve the loading time of your assets and APIs using the WebLink component and Twig
  • examples of how to take advantage of the protocol using the curl and Guzzle clients
  • the Mercure Protocol
  • Mercure x Symfony
  • Mercure x API Platform



Kévin Dunglas

Founder of @coopTilleuls / @symfony Core Team / Creator of @ApiPlatform