3 min readFeb 5, 2022


Hola Amigos!😃... Its been ages, I must say and it feels good picking up the pen again, especially when emotions are high and you’ve the words to impart.

Lemme ask you all, I don't know, if you've at some point in 2022 felt mind-idle and unable to continue with that burning desires you started with Jan 01,2022. January was dramatically filled with events here and there(I don't mean parte after parte, lol). I meant when things didn't go your way, but those you'll never expect were the ones showing ugly faces.

Here's February with its own glamour, glittering and shining beam of light. But you know what?... it's the issue with making choices and decisions for me. Making choices can be one mind battle and one sided annoyance on its own, coupled with the fact that you've to face the consequences of that choice. But you know how difficult it could be making a choice between two things you love or you'd wanna do.

In my case, it's really deranging. Starting a journey when things were smooth and consistency was at its peak, but along the path of the journey, appeared those not-so-good issues you've to deal with. In all, one issue affecting the other or sometimes both clashing. If I'm to pick A, I lose in B, if I'm to pick B, I lose in A. Now leaving one for the other is a big decision I'd have to make and the consequences that follows, I can't really think much of it now, but we move!

So I know one way or the other, some of us must be going through same or something worse. Yeah, a part of life. "Problems no dey finish". But you know what? 😏 I'd like to share few tips I've learnt.

To manage your decision making, check out these tips;

Evaluate a “head choice” versus a “heart choice”.
- I remember this popular saying that; "If you are to follow your heart, take your brain along".
- A “head choice” is a decision that makes a lot of sense on paper, while a “heart choice” is one that speaks to your soul and meets a need or longing. Heart choices envelope your passion and emotion.
- More often, it’s best to follow your head, but consider your heart too.

Consider if you could you survive if disappointed.
-Will disappointment make you useless in achieving other goals or performing well in other areas of life? Ask yourself that.

Respect the effect and influence of others.
- Take into consideration how your decisions will affects those around you(families, friends, colleagues).

Go with what you know
- Decision making isn't based on some hope, wishes or desires. You need to make proper research on what is the best option you can choose from or other alternatives to consider.

Believe and pray!
-I wonder why the word "atheist" and other related words exist. Honestly, nature is amazingly wonderful that you can’t think of it with believing there’s a supreme being behind this beauty. That supreme being is in charge and should be prayed to. Miraculously you make right decisions after believing God will out you through.

With this, I leave you with "It's not about making the right choice. It's about making a choice and making it right."- J.R RIM.

😘Hasta la próxima amigo y disfruta tu día. (See you next time my friend and enjoy your day).

Your fav Unique_gem💎.




Writer| humanitarian| SDG Advocate| lover of tech and med