$mart Fund is a set of smart contracts and tokens running on Ethereum

taanhnunu unasanhnu
5 min readJul 31, 2019


Introducing $martFund

$martFund is simply the harbinger of the new ecosystem of decentralized investments on the Ethereum blockchain. The ideological conception of this project cum investment platform is to create an enabling environment for crypto investors and project developers to fund and receive revenues from their investments.

The target of the funds is the DApps developers, who would on receiving the funds, would be empowered to take their projects through the phases of development before they gain mainstream adoption.


Smart Fund goes by its name to be a highly smart way of investing into cryptocurrencies and this allows crypto investors earn constant passive dividends on their investment into the platform. I believe this is the right platform for crypto starters as well as experienced crypto enthusiasts to stay away from the snares of the volatile crypto market and earn decent dividends based on their investment with SmartFund. SmartFund serve as a bridge between investors and potential crypto projects that exist on the Ethereum blockchain. Through smart funds crypto enthusiasts and crypto starters can invest into real time decentralized applications on the Ethereum network and earn profits from it in Ethereum.

Decentralization is one of the important features of the blockchain technology and this is to reduce the chain of transaction and also to give power back to individuals in their financial transactions. With Smartfunds, crypto investors propose the project which they want to invest into and these are voted upon anonymously on the blockchain. If the initators of the smartfund have the a support of 10% more than the opposers of the contract it is passed and the investment is locked into the blockchain network.

Once the investment is locked in any of the Decentralized Applications supported on the Ethereum blockchain the revenue generated are sent to the Smart Fund which then distributes the rewards based on individual holdings of FD Tokens. With the increase and expansion of the cryptospace the use of decentralized applications is projected to increase along the years. Crypto Kitties made its name back in 2017 when it became so popular among crypto enthusiasts. Ethereum blockchain is also one of the blockchain networks that have been designed to allow the deployment of applications and smart contract with ease so you can imagine the number of Dapps that will be running on the network in few years to come. Token holders earn their revenue in Ethereum according to the amount of FD tokens staked invested.

Ecosystem $martFund :

  1. $martFund creates a big ecosystem that would help people to invest in right projects to get stable passive income.
  2. $martFund is focusing on DAPPS that have a commercial interest laiding in their operation model. That means $martFund is looking for working DAPPS that can bring the profit to their investors
  3. $martFund ecosystem consists from a bunch of Ethereum smart-contracts, it is fully decentralized and automatic.

Ecosystem $martFund :

  1. $martFund creates a big ecosystem that would help people to invest in right projects to get stable passive income.
  2. $martFund is focusing on DAPPS that have a commercial interest laiding in their operation model. That means $martFund is looking for working DAPPS that can bring the profit to their investors
  3. $martFund ecosystem consists from a bunch of Ethereum smart-contracts, it is fully decentralized and automatic.

Ecosystem $martFund :

  1. $martFund creates a big ecosystem that would help people to invest in right projects to get stable passive income.
  2. $martFund is focusing on DAPPS that have a commercial interest laiding in their operation model. That means $martFund is looking for working DAPPS that can bring the profit to their investors
  3. $martFund ecosystem consists from a bunch of Ethereum smart-contracts, it is fully decentralized and automatic.

Ecosystem $martFund :

  1. $martFund creates a big ecosystem that would help people to invest in right projects to get stable passive income.
  2. $martFund is focusing on DAPPS that have a commercial interest laiding in their operation model. That means $martFund is looking for working DAPPS that can bring the profit to their investors
  3. $martFund ecosystem consists from a bunch of Ethereum smart-contracts, it is fully decentralized and automatic.

Do you want to know SmartFund ?

Smart Fund is the way for make it better in investment control for better with a good performance on there we can see the quality services are responsible and then SmartFund use smart contract and then token for make the ecosystem as well , with smart contract are quality on interaction transaction on the platform as well and Smart Fund based on Bancor Protocol and using ETH for Reserve so i think that make comfortable all user for became on the platform .

the technology implementation of the Smart Fund platform as well and make establishing the ecosystem on the platform . and then how about the fund , the fund is open and have a limit for the speed of buy , and we can redemption and controling for keep the fund .

lets to know the ecosystem of SmartFund , performance of system SmartFund as well and decentralized network for handling interaction transaction as well so i think this is make all user comfortable and SmartFund is consists with DAPP project invested , so that will make profitable ,and then on the platform use vote system investement on DAPP that make as well .


The CoinX exchange is an exchange that is integrated into the Smart Fund Ecosystem, Cryptocurrency investments are worthless without any means of liquidity and this is why the smart minds behind $mart Funds decided to integrate a decentralised exchange based in ethereum smart contract that would enable investors to seamlessly swap between ETH and $FD thereby effectively creating a self sustaining Ecosystem.


Smartfund has come a long way on its path to creating an investment platform that crypto enthusiasts can trust to generate passive and constant profits for them. Displayed below is the milestones of SmartFund and how it plans to achieve its primary goals.

More detail of SmartFund :

Website: http://1smart.fund/

Telegram: https://t.me/onesmartfund

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fund_smart

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onesmartfund/

author : duongthu252705

URL bct : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2585016

ETH : 0xD7861498293263b66764A26B86d69AFB6c9e63Ef

