5 Valuable tips for solo travelers!

Is it too difficult to travel alone?

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
3 min readFeb 25, 2023

No! You just have to plan it effectively!

Traveling alone can be a difficult thing to do, if you are beginners. You have to plan finances, visits, accommodations and even enjoy on your own.

Traveling alone will be the scariest, most liberating, life-changing experience of your life. Try it at least once! -(Unknown)

Photo by Alessio Soggetti on Unsplash

You just need to ensure a few things before you start your journey!

№1 Do your research: Before arriving, ensuring taxi rate and prices of daily essentials will be a good idea. It will give an idea of expenses you are going to face during your stay at that place. Do some research on taxi rates, fruits price, fuel price, and how much an average meal cost. Also find out some interesting places and stories about that area; this will make your trip a bit more interesting.

№2 Book your accommodation in advance: especially for the first three to four days: When you arrive at a new place exhausted by traveling all alone, searching for a hotel will be a tough job. There is more probability that you’ll end up staying at the place your taxi driver recommends. Planning your accommodation will save your energy which you can invest in other activities and experiences.

№3 Plan how will you communicate: Whenever you are traveling alone, its important for you to stay in contact with your family and friends. Planning ways to communicate by taking roaming plans or buying a traveler’s sim card prior to your visit will not be a bad idea. After-all, you cannot rely on public WiFi to post your travel pictures.

№4 Don’t rush: Don’t be in a hurry to visit all places in a single day; it will spoil your mood; you’ll end up feeling like you are on your business trip. When you are traveling alone you will save much time as compared to traveling with friends; as you aren’t going to wait for anyone. But instead of jumping from this place to the next one, slow down your pace and interact with locals to know more interesting stuffs about that place.

№5 Consider buying a travel insurance: I know you have heard it from so many people that travel insurance is a waste of money and its not necessary. I agree travel insurance isn’t providing you much value as compared to others, but it covers some crucial things like loss of passports, scams and various utilities. You can get it covered on the amount as low as the one you spend on your single meal.

Solo traveling may appear a bit challenging, but its actually worth a try. You are going to create memories and stories which are completely exclusive to your self-only. It will allow you to build your confidence and expand your comfort zone.

Apart from meeting new people, you are going to know something more about yourself too, and will learn to enjoy your own company.

Thanks for reading!



Durgesh Chandrawanshi

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