6 Life lessons I learned early in life!

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2023

There are several articles on Medium which says, “things I wish someone told me earlier”, “5 things I would like to teach my younger self”, all these posts creates an unbearable urge to prioritize reading it. Our mind is more sensitive to warning signs than the appreciations or blessings we already have.

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Reading those articles are few of those things which I like to spend my free time with an expectation to get some valuable wisdom from my elders. Out of that habit, I really realized some lessons which usually takes years of mistakes and improvement to learn.

Here I’m sharing those lessons for you with an expectation that it adds value in you life too:

  1. Don’t help a friend if you aren’t willing to forget that: There is a famous rule which says, don’t give your money or book to your friend if you aren’t willing to forget it. Its true, if someone is your real friend and taken some bucks from you, you’ll find it really difficult to ask for return. If you do, it’ll surely affect your relation. What to do then? Don’t ask for return if you consider them a real friend of yours, if he is your friend he will definitely know when you need money and he will return it when you are at actual need. What if you don’t consider him your real friend? Then don’t delay, ask for return ASAP¹. Money, favors, love triangles are few of those things which can hugely affect your friendship in negative way.
  2. If you really want to love your parents in most truest form possible, you should become financially independent: You cannot really know the value of your privilege, unless you try to build it yourself. Your parents are working really hard to give you the life they didn’t get in their childhood. When you hit your teenage phase, you’ll encounter a sudden urge to fight with your parents whenever they didn’t do something up to your expectations. And that argument will appears as an hurtful allegation to them, most parents are usually insecure about their parenting and when you fight with them for not providing you enough resources or exposure, it hurts them really bad. If you really want to love your parents, then at least start to become independent, then you’ll realize what you already have.
  3. Love and relationship are two different things: Its strange, but its true! Love is independent and giving the complete freedom is the principle ingredient of it, even a relationship cannot keep the love always captured for you. So what is the basis of relationship then? Agreements! On certain terms! There is a famous quote which says “If you really love someone, let them go!”, you give them a freedom to even leave you behind and move on! That’s real love, the growth and success of your loved one’s!
  4. Your friends come and go, they aren’t permanent: The one friend which you consider your best buddy for life time! That one friend who is in focus of all your memories and involved in every foolish thing you’ve done! That one friend will eventually separate from you as you grow older and you will left with no choice but to make new friends and adjust with new surroundings. That’s not his fault! That’s how life works!
  5. You should start caring for your health as early as possible: These age is considered an age of laziness, in terms of physical activity. You’ve got your own vehicle, why would you choose to go to your college on bicycle? You’ve got an E-com website, why you’d choose to go to market by walking? Well! Ideally you should take those choices, but if you aren’t doing it, then at least take care of your health! You’ll thank yourselves later.
  6. What people show us on their social media profiles are not their actual reality: Here’s a story, I have been following a random guy on social media, who have successfully maintained an eye-catchy profile and used to teach us trendy ways to earn money. He used to flash his cars in each of his posted videos. He had a collection of some expensive gadgets which he keeps holding on his hand while recording his videos. After following him for a year, I’ve realized that all of his cars were rented and he himself doesn’t own any of them. It’s just a trap to gain followers and earn from story promotion and collaboration. Everything you see on social media is not true! The reality could be entirely different from what you are seeing.

These are some of those lessons, I learned at the right time. Thanks to all those writers and authors who shared these with us to make us more aware of the reality.

And thanks to you too for taking time to read my articles till the end! Do share your opinions about the same!

Thanks for reading!



Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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