Subaru Dashboard UX

Raj Radhakrishnan
2 min readFeb 3, 2017


It was 7am in the morning and frigid cold. I had to rush to the car after taking few pics of the bridge and the river. Started the car and noticed this icon winking at me in the dashboard. Usually anything yellow or red is an alarm. And a pictogram/icon like this is strange to me since I used to drive a Camry before and have never seen anything like this.

Tire Pressure Alert

A pictogram could be a nice way when there is a space constraint. But even then if its a universal symbol. But I guess this looks like one in the auto industry. Time to learn it. Or wait? Is there a better way to handle this? I think so. Lets look at the problem. Even if it says air pressure is low, which tire is my next question and what is the recommended pressure? I might need to look into my manual to find the recommended pressure for my car model. But that is not a good design.

I would rather have preferred the system warning me like the one below. It is clear, straight forward but lacks the information on the recommended pressure and how urgent is this issue. But this is far better than the way Subaru handled this problem. For me as a driver, the urgent issues need to be informed to be properly than the sub usecases of listening to music/radio.

Clear illustration of the problem and the solution



Raj Radhakrishnan

UX Designer. Passionate about design, story telling, and solving problems.