Dustin Briscoe
1 min readFeb 23, 2016


It is immoral of a society where people sacrifice almost all of their available time not spent surviving, in labor, and still struggle to meet basic necessities. Most Libertarians I know agree with the concept of a basic income because of this. It is not like this is some radical entitled far left weenie greenie pinko communist use we are talking about here. Rational libertarian economists agree that the pool of labor is so unbelievably large that this will be necessary just for people to survive, even for the skilled labor pool with automation and millions of poor educated people around the world so desperate to scratch an existence.

Even more ridiculous and immoral is how much wealth is concentrating on the hands of so few that rewrite the rules in their favor because they have so much power.

The system as it is today is BROKEN. How long do you think you can keep up with the hussle? You know what happens to the alpha wolf eventually? You should be fucking terrified because you and I might find ourselves burning the candle at both ends some day to keep up with an ever growing number of elite minds all in vicious competition against YOU. You might be Talia some day.

When you realize it will be too late that the only immoral idea is that with the massive productivity increases, new technology and riches in this world that nobody needs to hustle just to survive. You might even realize there is more worth to a human being than his ability to work.



Dustin Briscoe

Father, Husband, Christian, Geek, Green Party, Parrot Owner, Proudly Anti-Entrepreneur