The Women Who Inspired Picasso

Dustin Lietha
12 min readMar 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso 1904, Paris. Photograph by Richard Canals. Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Pablo Picasso needs no introduction as he is probably the most famous artist that has ever lived. He led the charge into modern art in the early 1900’s with cubism and continued throughout his life to develop bold and unique styles.

It’s also not a very well kept secret that Picasso was a womaniser. Many of his greatest works were inspired by his numerous lovers but who were they?

1. Fernande Olivier

Portrait of Fernande Olivier in Headscarves (1906) By Pablo Picasso. Image source: WikiArt

In 1904, after three years of moving around Spain mourning the death of his best friend Carlos Casagamas, Pablo decided to settle permanetly in Monmartre, Paris.

After settling in the artist’s quarter of Bateau-Lavior, Picasso began to pull out of his melancholy blue period (his paintings were somber and tinted blue) as he found new inspiration among the street performers and circus acts that were common around Monmartre. He was even more inspired when a tall, aristocratic looking woman walked by his door one day. Her name was Fernande Olivier

Fernande Olivier was an artist’s model and after becoming enamored by her, Picasso asked her to pose for him. In 1905 Fernande moved in with Pablo and his blue period gave…

