Lawyer Blogging Tactics

Dustin Sanchez
2 min readSep 21, 2016


This article was reprinted from the American Bar Association website…

Four Steps to Effective Lawyer Blogging

Step 1: Write an Entertaining Lawyer-ish Blog Article

So many lawyers write blog articles as if they were targeting other lawyers. A better tactic is to write as if you are speaking to a close friend or family member.

Think “click bait” here. Your article needs to be somewhat lawyer-ish, but most important of all, it needs to be entertaining.

Surely, something about your area of the law is interesting. Some areas of the law are easier to do this in than others (DWI law, divorce law, criminal law).

With some imagination, any legal niche can be made interesting:

  • real estate law (Top 3 Real Estate Problems in Houston)
  • elder care law (Worried About How to Pay for Nursing Home Costs?)
  • insurance law (Why Insurance Companies Deny Flood Claims in Harris County)
  • personal injury Law (video ads + retargeting campaigns work best in personal injury)
  • estate planning (Died Without a Will Horror Stories)

This kind of blogging campaign is designed to reach your actual customers, and it works best if your clients are individuals as opposed to corporate clients.

Step 2: Insert Calls-to-Action

Within the first paragraph of your article you need to write something to the effect of:

“Sarah Smith is a Criminal Attorney in Dallas, Texas. Call (555) 555–5555 for a free consultation,”

You are not writing this article because you want to be a famous lawyer blogger, you are writing this article because you want people to call your office and ask you to be their attorney.

The best way to make that happen is to tell the reader to call you — early and often. Read more here

