Dustin Turin
1 min readNov 25, 2016


Louis Weeks, how can I engage you in an honest discussion? Certainly we can’t make any progress in understanding one another if you insist on inventing out of whole cloth “facts” which are apparent to yourself only and which can’t otherwise be detected in the observable universe.

I’m going to let some of my inner troll out on you here, Louis. The problem with your worldview, with your interpretation of incoming information, is that you process everything you see and hear through a self-affirming filter that is working very hard to protect your sense of self-worth. Any information that threatens your own sense of achievement, satisfaction, righteousness, you have trained yourself to not hear or see. In the greatest sense of the word, you are a true sheep, absolutely terrified of being left without the herd and incapable, after so many years of affirmative filtering, of seeing the world around you for what it really is.

In your world, Louis, 2 + 2 = 5. And as Orwell taught us, when everyone can finally agree that 2 + 2 = 5, all is lost.

