Why sad people read books

1 min readDec 20, 2020


A lot of non-readers may be confused as to why some people are so devoted to books, confused to why they would rather hold a book in their hand, then acknowledge the world around them.

It’s rather simple actually, people who are feeling lost might pick up a book to enter their desired reality; a world where the feelings they feel don’t exist, where they follow a story different to their own, a tale in which they wish to be entangled in.

You can pretend you exist in this fiction, an escapism. Your reality may feel hopeless and glum, but turning those pages on a book can wipe those feelings away with a few confounding, creative chapters. They can let you exist in a world different to the one your in now.

So for a few hours each day they pick up this book (whether that’s a physical edition or online copy) and they delve into their imagination, they might imagine they are solving a crime- gripping and exhilarating, Or they could be dancing, cloaked in rich gowns and lavish suits, maybe they are lying side by side, body to body with their beloved, hearts simultaneously beating rhythmically with one another’s.

When you read, your not standing by the side lines peering in, your there. A good book can have an everlasting impression on you, especially for sad people.

