Dusty Staxx
4 min readMay 27, 2024

Flat earthers love the debate because they are not afraid to stand behind their facts and evidence. Although they do get some details wrong at times, they are at least correct in their belief that the earth is not a spinning ball. Spinning ball believers want to avoid debate at all costs because they are clueless about what they believe in because they only believe words videos and pictures that they were indoctrinated by, and that’s NOT hard evidence : Wake up! Because no one is trying to argue. Everyone deserves to know the truth and if you are afraid to even look into the reasons you believe what you believe , then that’s not belief at all. Anyone who truly believes something knows why they believe it and is able to understand it . Most questions you have CAN be answered with the flat earth model. The reason you feel like it doesn’t make sense is because you were taught a model that is not true at all and doesn’t add up to actual science. The science in the school books are just words telling you that someone else did the science . Someone else did the experiment (and they give fake pictures and videos to support the fake science). And the teacher is only following the curriculum which is the same curriculum they were taught. But the teachings are lies when it comes to the heliocentric model. They NEVER have EVER actually proven it to you . I can GUARANTEE IT. Because I know both sides . Stop being afraid to learn the flat earth model . Because once you learn it, you will realize how ridiculous the spinning ball is actually is. We see the same stars above us in the sky every night . They spin around in the sky above us just like the sun and moon. It will all make sense, just learn it from the right people . It’s also entirely backed by science. You can do your own experiments. The spinning ball doesn’t make sense AT ALL. I promise it’s a psyop. And because they own the media , they can put nasa propaganda on the news and on the television shows. And because they own Hollywood they can give you truth in the movies to help their karma so they can justify the lies that give them all the power and all the money. Look at the government. They are stealing our money and good people like me try to wake you up and you think I’m crazy. 😂

Trust me, you are brainwashed if that’s you. All you have to do is learn the geocentric model . Learn it from Eric dubay . He is great at teaching it . He is on YouTube . I also like Allegedly Dave , he has an amazing series on the biggest lie ever told. Please. I’m practically begging you. They have your mind so controlled that you can’t even comprehend the words I’m speaking to you. But think about it, if you don’t know both models, how can you decide which one makes more sense? At least give yourself a chance. This is a good man speaking to you. Not a crazy. You can go to my profile and see I’m just a regular man with a family that I love . And I want to protect them. And I can’t do that if I don’t know what’s going on. And when I know I’m being controlled and told what to do by a government , I’m going to look deeper . I’m not getting screwed by these sociopaths that pull the strings of the puppet presidents and funnel all of our money into their pockets through their federal budget that always passes no matter what is on it !!!! Do you realize how much money they’re wasting and where it’s actually going ? All you have to do is pay attention but they have you so distracted with your phone and work and TV and shows and sports and drinking and partying and ignoring everything that’s actually IMPORTANT, that you may never find your way through the deception. Someone had to point it out to me, I was just like you. Luckily I didn’t trust the government already so I was receptive to the idea . Took me a lot of research to actually find enough data to draw an actual conclusion. But I’ve drawn it, and now I’m trying to wake others up. We need help and as long as you’re brainwashed, nothing will ever change . Thank you for reading this far, I love you for that. It says a lot about you. It means you have a chance.

You should require more concrete evidence before you KNOW anything. Follow the money. Who benefits from your belief? Who benefits from you knowing what you know!? Only the government benefits from everyone thinking we live on a ball. But they can’t PROVE IT , they can only CLAIM IT. But they are flying in outer space and even though we are supposedly orbiting the sun and still flying away from the original point of the “big bang” we still manage to leave earth and land on an asteroid and take a picture and send the picture back? Anyone who believes that just isn’t using their brain or practicing critical thinking . It’s obvious that the joke is on whoever believes the heliocentric model. I don’t know what exactly the earth is, I just know for sure 100% that the narrative being pushed by the world leaders is FALSE. And all the questions that raises can be answered and were always answered easily and made sense up until the elite controllers came and tricked us into thinking we live on a ball in order to keep us controlled . The ball earth is a prison!!! Wake up 🤦

Dusty Staxx

Light worker. Truth speaker. Dedicated father and husband . Avoiding distractions as much as possible so I can enjoy life with my family