What is Capstone?

Dave Vorwerk
2 min readSep 1, 2022


I’m Dave Vorwerk, a 4th-year Interactive Design major at Maryville University. The previous years leading up to this have been full of unknowns for me but I also gained a lot of knowledge along the way. Those years spent taking different major-related courses have led up to this Interactive Design Capstone.

In our final year, design students take a Capstone course where we take the knowledge that we have accumulated and apply it to a semester-long project. Students can pull ideas from most things within reason with the result being a project that has a collection of small parts to showcase how much breadth a project has or one project that showcases depth by being full of detail.

Examples of Breadth

  • Package design
  • Merchandise
  • Signage
  • Promotional Materials

Examples of Depth

  • Full App Prototype Mockup
  • Flowcharts
  • Exhibit Design
  • Motion Graphics

“No, I think we are just getting started”

As a student now in the position to start working on ideas for my capstone, I have to come up with a few ideas quickly so that we can evaluate them to find out if one of them is worth pursuing. The course gives students a ton of creative freedom, which is great but also gives me a lot to consider when coming up with an idea that I want to pursue. I also need to consider the different types of ways to showcase the project with either breadth or depth is also another factor weighing in when thinking about ideas. As I go through this process I’ll be sure to update this blog when I can!



Dave Vorwerk

Maryville University design student