11 min readFeb 24, 2023


Mira was a young woman who had grown up in a small, rural village far from the hustle and bustle of city life. As an independent and creative spirit, she loved her quiet home where she could spend time taking care of nature and tending to the animals living nearby. She was a hardworking individual with ambition that extended beyond the boundaries of her secluded hometown. Mira spent many hours daydreaming about exploring new places and experiencing undiscovered cultures. Despite these strong passions to venture out into the world, she was content living among her familiar surroundings.

Prior to moving to the city, Mira’s life was focused largely on her education, her work with local charities and her social activities. She attended a highly regarded local school, where she consistently achieved excellent grades; this led to her acceptance at a prestigious university in the city. In her free time, she volunteered for several charities and animal shelters in the area, gaining experience that would be invaluable once she was living in the city. While attending high school and college orientation events, Mira also enjoyed spending time with friends involved in music and theater productions as well as competing in tournaments on behalf of her town’s teams. Her parents were supportive of her various activities and encouraged her to pursue them fully even if it meant taking risks by trying something new or different. On the whole, prior to relocating to the city for University studies, Mira had established a lifestyle that allowed growth both personally and professionally — all while surrounded by close family ties and loyal friends.

Mira decision to move to the city was driven by a desire for new experiences, professional growth opportunities and improved quality of life. She was attracted to the city’s cosmopolitan atmosphere as a contrast to her rural upbringing, which also provided a wealth of untapped opportunity in terms of job prospects and cultural stimulation. Although she had friends and family at home, she recognized that city living held distinct advantages over her current location, such as increased earning potential and exposure to diverse people. Aware that moving away from home would involve potentially difficult transitions, Mira nevertheless felt confident in her decision because it offered a fresh start and the opportunity to expand her horizons.

Mira had dreamed of a life in the city for so long. Her rural upbringing had not prepared her for the hustle and bustle of the urban life, but having recently graduated from college, she was determined to make something of herself in the city. As soon as she arrived, she realized that the city was riddled with a million different opportunities, for those brave enough to take them.

The first few weeks were a succession of sleepless nights and days of exploration. Mira spent her days navigating the intricate subway system, making her way to busy streets, bustling shops, and small places of culture she had always wanted to experience. It was overwhelming at first, the sheer number of people and the vibrant energy seemed to go on forever, but soon enough Mira found her place among them. She started meeting new people and making connections, learning more of the dynamics of the city and its many moving parts.

At the same time, however, Mira was met with a sense of alienation. She felt out of her element in a world so foreign, as if everyone knew something she didn’t. It was an intimidating experience, but nonetheless an exhilarating one, as Mira slowly began to understand and make sense of the many moving parts of city life.

Living in the city was an adjustment for Mira, from learning to navigate the often-confusing public transit system to budgeting for a much more expensive lifestyle. She was also learning to take care of herself in a place where she had no real support system, apart from the kind strangers she had met along the way. Despite these challenges, however, Mira was determined to make it work, and she was happy to finally have a place that she could call home.

The city opened up Mira’s eyes to a new world of opportunity and experiences, and she was determined to make the most of it. With the help of the people she met, and an open mind, she was starting to feel at home in the city and finally see it as the dream she had once had.

As Mira entered her twenties, she faced an array of struggles in the city. These struggles ranged from finding a job that fed her passion to dealing with the competitive job market and high living costs to battling feelings of loneliness and lack of direction. She quickly learned that life in the big city was not as glamorous as she had imagined.

Mira applied to various jobs and internships, but with no prior work experience, she failed to make it past the interview stage. She felt disheartened and frustrated that despite having the desired knowledge and qualifications, she was not being given a chance. In addition, the competition was fierce. Everywhere from higher education to employment, she was up against more experienced and well-prepared candidates. Despite her resilient spirit, Mira plans were hampered.

Finding an affordable place to live was also quite tricky for Mira. She quickly realized that living in the city was expensive. Rents were sky high and budgeting was essential in order to make money last, which then limited her ability to explore and uncover the city’s offerings. Despite financial constraints, Mira’s did her best to find an appropriate place for her to live in that kept her close to her desired job locations, but also remained within her budget.

Luckily, Mira had entered her twenties with her parents support and guidance. However, since she had moved away and was living independently, she often felt isolated and disconnected. It became hard for Mira’s to stay connected to those she left behind, and this in turn affected her mental health and wellbeing. With no family or friends nearby and few if any social circles to help her adjust to life in the city, mires needed to figure out ways to combat feelings of loneliness. She did her best to find activities she enjoyed and integrated herself into groups and activities that gave her a sense of purpose and belonging.

Overall, life in the city for Mira in her twenties was filled with a range of challenges and struggles. Despite finding employment opportunities, her lack of prior experience and the competitive job market made it hard for her to transition into an entry-level job. Further, the high cost of living dictated how she budgeted and where she could live, confining her to a small area. Lastly, her feelings of loneliness and isolation reminded her of home, making it difficult to embrace and enjoy what the city had to offer. Through her determination, passion, and resilience, Mira was able to tackle the challenges that the city presented and build a life for herself.

Mira had been looking for a job for some time, and after months of applications and interviews, her luck finally paid off. She had been offered a job at a local book store owned by Lily. It was the only place around that had a vacancy and Mira was ecstatic to have an opportunity to display her skills.

Mira was welcomed warmly into her new environment when she reported for her first day of work. She was introduced to Lily, the store’s owner, a middle-aged woman with an infectious smile. As they talked, Lily explained to Mira the expectations she had. She wanted to create an inviting atmosphere that encouraged people to buy books. To do that, Mira had to make sure the shelves were always stocked and the books were well-organized and tidy.

Mira spent her first few days learning the layout of the store and familiarizing herself with the various books that were in stock. She soon discovered that the store was more than just a place to buy books. It was also a community hub where people could come to discuss their favorite books and authors. Mira loved this aspect of the store and made it her mission to make sure every customer left feeling satisfied.

Mira quickly developed a strong relationship with Lily and the other employees at the book store. They all worked together to create a pleasant atmosphere and promote works from various authors. On top of being a great listener, Mira was also an excellent salesperson. Her kind personality and knowledge of the books helped her to make knowledgeable recommendations to the customers.

Mira quickly gained the respect of Lily and her employees. During her time at the store, she was never afraid to take on new challenges and responsibilities. She was always learning and experimenting with new techniques to improve the customer experience. Working at the book store also taught her important lessons about time management and customer service.

Mira time at the book store was ultimately a fulfilling and enriching experience. She gained valuable knowledge and skills that she was able to use in her future jobs. With the help of Lily, she developed her reading, writing, and communication skills. Most importantly, she was able to learn how to be an outstanding employee at any organization. Working with Lily at the book store proved to be a life-changing experience for Mira and she will always cherish the time she spent there.

Mira was walking through the familiar streets of her hometown on a cold autumn morning when her attention was drawn to a small, independent coffee shop tucked away on a cozy corner of the block. Feeling curious, Mira decided to give it a try and boldly opened the door. Inside, the shop was filled with a pleasant warmth from a crackling fireplace and a spicy aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Mira had stumbled into the small coffee shop out of curiosity, not expecting to run into anyone she knew. She was an artist, and lately had taken to exploring new and interesting places in her spare time. But her plans for a peaceful and anonymous afternoon of studying and sipping a warming drink had been derailed when a young man approached her almost immediately.

Starting with a polite introduction and all the charm he could muster, the young man — whose name she learned was Peter — tried to make conversation. Mira, however, was unconvinced by his attempts to flirt, and kept her responses as neutral as she could. In truth, she did find him attractive, but something about him made her hesitant. Eventually, out of politeness, Mira agreed to talk with him a while longer.

As they spoke, Mira started to realize that Peter was, surprisingly, different from most of the other people she encountered. He had knowledge of, and passion for, anything and everything with a historical context — and he was also an expert navigator of the city. Mira had always been an avid learner, and as they discussed the city’s architecture she found that Peter’s knowledge was both remarkable and refreshing.

By the end of the conversation, Mira was actually enjoying herself. As Peter was about to take his leave, he asked if she would like to go out for dinner the following evening. Mira felt the same attraction towards him that she had from the start, but this time she decided to accept his offer — hoping that their conversation over dinner would reveal more about his character.

The following night, as Mira and Peter talked over dinner, something shifted between them. Mira finally opened up to him, and through their conversation she learned about his passions, his dreams for the future, and his interesting perspectives on life. By the end of the night, Mira felt a connection between them that she had not felt before, and she realized she was not so much hesitant anymore but — excited.

As they parted ways, Mira could not help but feel something special had just occurred between them. They both felt it, and Mira was looking forward to seeing what the future would hold.

Mira and Peter had been friends for a long time, but recently had become even closer. They spent a lot of time together, talking and just enjoying each other’s company. While they were together, they had never admitted their true feelings for each other, each keeping it hidden away.

Although neither of them wanted to say it out loud, their friend group had already noticed the extraordinary connection between them and the sparks that flew whenever they so much as brushed fingertips. Mira noticed each and every glance between them, silently admiring how easy and natural it felt whenever they were together.

But despite the growing feelings, neither of them wanted to be the one to say something first and potentially spoil the relationship they had built with one another over the years. Fear of rejection or heartache served as a deterrent, and they nervously let their feelings stay in limbo.

Still, things between them only continued to get deeper, their chats longer and more meaningful. They shared everything and knew the other’s secrets like the back of their hand. When the going got tough or the days were long, they could always rely on the other to make it better with a few words of understanding and a heartfelt hug.

And, of course, many of those hugs lasted much too long, hidden from the outside world in their own little world of admiration and safety.

Even with all of the subtle moments of love, both Mira and Peter continued to put up that wall of silence, keeping their mutual feelings to themselves. Though the thrill of the secret romance was exciting, still the pair wanted to express their adoration openly, but found themselves too scared of the possible implications to do so.

Deep down, they knew that saying something could potentially change the relationship they hade worked so hard to build and they were scared they would not get the answer they desired. The internal struggle lasted long enough as both Mira and Peter came to the heartbreaking conclusion that they were in love with each other but nothing could ever come of it if they never said anything.

One day, while Mira and her friends were at the coffee shop, a handsome man had been admiring her since she and her friends had entered. Mira hadn’t noticed, however, as the only man she cared about was in front of her. One of Mira’s friends noticed the man’s gaze and whispered to her about it. Mira turned around to see who it was and, when their eyes met, the man got up from his chair and approached her, introducing himself as Mike. He told her he found her very attractive and asked if he could invite her for a cup of coffee. Peter, who had been watching the whole time, felt like his heart was being stabbed with a knife. Mira took a moment to look into Peter’s eyes, hoping he would show her some sign of attention, but he kept his gaze averted. Feeling like it didn’t matter if she went with Mike, Mira turned back to him and, with a fake smile that held disappointment and sadness, accepted his invitation….





The name is Skimo, a writer and a blogger, My articles stay on the cutting edge of conversations about topics such as music, culture, technology, health ...