The case for $1 Prescription Weight loss Drug

Dwayne Moore
7 min readMay 18, 2023


$1 Prescription weight loss medication for a month supply! Because Obesity is one of the biggest pandemics the world, not just the USA is suffering from, which often causes more health complications, and medical conditions, sometimes life threatening ones!

Being a passionate advocate for disrupting the health care industry in favor of democratizing access to critical medical solutions. I firmly believe in the transformative power of innovation, collaboration, and most importantly, empathy, in creating a more equitable healthcare landscape.

Obesity is a major public health crisis that we’re currently facing. With over 650 million adults worldwide classified as obese, the impact on individuals, families, communities, and healthcare systems is significant. Obesity is not just a matter of personal health; it’s a societal issue, linked to a host of other serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

While lifestyle modifications are the cornerstone of weight management, prescription weight loss pills can play a crucial role for many individuals. However, the cost and accessibility of these medications have been prohibitive for many.

For example, Ozempic and Wegovy have been making news now a days, because of their effectiveness, but at the same time, they are quite expensive. High prices, insurance restrictions, and limited availability often place these potentially life-altering medications out of reach for those who need them the most.

That’s where the concept of the $1 prescription weight loss drug comes into the picture- a scenario where effective, safe, and affordable weight loss medication is accessible to everyone who needs it, regardless of their financial situation. A world where the ability to manage one’s health is not dictated by one’s income or insurance coverage or “prescription restrictions” because of potential side effects, because those seeking help are usually unhealthy already and prone to suffer from side effects of drugs.

Effective Altruism is a concept which applies evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others. In our case, it’s about using our resources — whether it’s time, money, research or skills — to develop a weight loss drug that is most effective and with least amount of side effects. In this case, it’s also about harnessing our collective resources and knowledge to develop and market a $1 potentially safe & effective prescription weight loss drug.

No one should be denied the means to better health because they can’t afford it. If we develop and market the $1 prescription weight loss drug/pill guided by these principles , we’re not just creating a cheaper medication — we’re taking a stand against health inequality. We’re affirming that everyone deserves access to the tools they need to manage their health.

It requires some really good scientific/clinical research though, but if we succeed, we can change millions of lives for the better, and in doing so, fundamentally disrupt the healthcare industry. That sounds like a challenge worth embracing.

Part 1: Developing the $1 Prescription Weight Loss Drug

As we embark on the journey to develop a $1 prescription weight loss pill, we must first acknowledge the significant challenges that lie ahead. The pharmaceutical industry, as it stands today, is fraught with high research and development costs, strict regulatory environments, and profit-driven models. Each of these factors contribute to the high cost of prescription medications, including weight loss medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, Qsymia, Contrave etc.

Research and development costs for new drugs are astronomical, often running into the billions of dollars. This is due to the need for extensive testing and trials to ensure safety and efficacy, a process that can take many years. Coupled with this are the stringent regulatory obstacles that must be navigated. While these regulations are crucial for patient safety, they can also slow down the drug development process and add to the overall cost.

Lastly, the pharmaceutical industry, like any industry, is driven by profits. After all, research and development is a risky investment and companies need to recoup their costs and generate a return.

However, this profit-focused model often means that the cost of these medications is passed onto the patient, making them unaffordable for many. A striking example has been, as I said earlier, Ozempic & Wegovy. Somehow several positive user reviews & testimonies on its effectiveness, yet it being quite expensive totally nullifies the case.

But what if there was a different way? A way to develop a $1 prescription weight loss medication that overcomes these barriers? A new approach might emphasize upon collaboration, open science, and cost-efficient production methods, use of Artificial intelligence in developing new weight loss drugs that are safe, yet affordable.

Collaboration is key. By working together — scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and even patients — we can pool our resources, knowledge, and expertise. This cooperative approach can speed up the research and development process and reduce costs.

Open science can further this collaboration. By sharing research findings and data openly, we can build on each other’s work, avoiding duplication and fostering innovation. And when it comes to production, we need to leverage cost-efficient methods, such as continuous manufacturing and process improvements, to keep costs low.

This approach is guided by the principles of Effective Altruism and focusing our efforts on creating maximum benefit for the greatest number of people while using resources efficiently and strategically to do the most good we can.

And there are already successful examples of this approach. The development of low-cost antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS is one such case. Faced with the high cost of treatment, a concerted global effort — comprising governments, non-profit organizations, and pharmaceutical companies — led to the creation of affordable antiretroviral drugs (as low as $75 annually in countries like South Africa). This has enabled millions of people worldwide to access life-saving treatment.

The path to developing a $1 phentermine or prescription weight loss medication will undoubtedly be challenging. But by embracing a new approach, perhaps we can change the face of the pharmaceutical industry and make a significant difference in the lives of millions of people struggling with obesity.

Part 2: Marketing the $1 Prescription Weight Loss Pill

With the development of the $1 diet pill underway, the next major challenge we face is marketing this groundbreaking product. Traditional marketing strategies in the pharmaceutical industry are primarily profit-focused, often investing heavily in advertising to physicians and consumers to maximize sales and revenue. While this model can be effective in driving product uptake, it doesn’t necessarily align with our goal of democratizing access to weight loss solutions.

In our case, it’s not just about selling a product; it’s about promoting a societal shift towards more equitable access to healthcare.

Central to this approach is value-based messaging. The $1 prescription weight loss pill is more than just a cheaper alternative — it’s a symbol of commitment to health equality.

The marketing campaign can emphasize the societal benefits of this pill, such as the potential for improved public health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

The target audience should not only include individuals who need this medication but also potential supporters who can help us spread the word. By highlighting the transformative potential of the $1 drug, we can inspire others to join us in our mission to disrupt the healthcare industry.

Partnerships will also play a crucial role in our marketing strategy. By collaborating with healthcare providers, public health organizations, and other stakeholders, we can increase accessibility and awareness of the $1 pill. These partnerships can help us reach a wider audience, provide trusted endorsements, and even help us navigate regulatory and logistical challenges.

Another target market can be those seeking affordable natural alternatives to drugs — those who advocate for ayurveda, herbal supplements , stimulants/energy boosters and so on. They are seeking safety and reduced cost.

Lastly, it’s essential that we measure the impact of the super-affordable weight loss drug on public health. Not only will this help validate the effectiveness of the product, but it will also inform our marketing approach.

Marketing the $1 pill won’t be easy. It requires us to rethink traditional marketing paradigms and embrace a new approach centered on altruism and societal benefit.

Part 3: The Potential Impact of the $1 Prescription Weight Loss Medication

Stakes are high for the potential impact of an allegedly groundbreaking solution, especially for those who’ve long struggled with the affordability and accessibility of weight loss treatments.

Having witnessed countless individuals grapple with the debilitating effects of obesity, a condition that often serves as a gateway to numerous other health complications, the advent of an affordable solution like this could significantly alter their quality of life.

For those who have been hindered by economic constraints or easy access to safe medications which come without side effects, this drug could be a game-changer, enabling them to take control of their health without breaking the bank.

When we expand our gaze to the broader implications, the impact of such an innovation on the healthcare industry becomes quite apparent. The pharmaceutical sector, in particular, would face a substantial shift.

For years, the industry has been criticized for high drug prices and lack of transparency. The success of the $1 weight loss medicine could encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest more in affordable solutions, reshaping the industry from one primarily driven by profits to one that equally prioritizes public health.

But this shift will require more than just a breakthrough drug; it will require a change in mindset. It’s about asking, “How can I make the most significant positive impact?” If adopted widely within the healthcare industry, it could drastically alter the landscape.

Such a shift could lead to more equitable access to treatments and medications, which is a fundamental right, not a luxury.

