Popular ES6/React lint errors

Dwayne Love
4 min readAug 4, 2018


Recently, I was tasked with converting a 15,000+ line jQuery-React application into a React-Redux application. This involved a pretty big code overhaul and I took this as an opportunity to implement more strict lint rules. This not only helps keep the code clean and consistent, but also helps a lot when working on application migration; catching a lot of easy mistakes for you. I’ve rounded up 5 of the most popular lint errors in the application in hopes that it will be useful for React/ES6 beginners or developers working on apps that have no or relaxed lint rules.


This one can be tricky for beginner React developers, or honestly any skill level, and kinda difficult to debug. An easy example to explain this would be a React event handler used to increment a counter in the component state:

This issue here is explained in the setState() API documentation:

setState() does not always immediately update the component. It may batch or defer the update until later. This makes reading this.state right after calling setState() a potential pitfall.

To avoid issues with asynchronous or batched setState() calls, you can pass a callback function to setState() and use the first parameter, prevState, to create the new state:


This one is pretty straightforward. A lot of times, i’ve seen this rule violated using one of the map, filter, reduce functions.

const x = [1,2,3]
const y = x.filter(x => x < 2)

The variable inside the filter function has the same name as the array defined above. This is called “shadowing variables”. The lint errors can easily be eliminated by choosing another name that hasn’t been defined previously. However, the snippet below does not break the no-shadow rule because the notShadowed variable is only defined in the scope of the filter functions; as opposed to the scope of the parent function.

const func = x => {
const y = x.filter( notShadowed => notShadowed < 2);
const z = x.filter( notShadowed => notShadowed > 2);

return [...y, ...z];


Surprisingly, this was the most popular lint error in the application. But, since a lot front-end developers that started before the release of ES6 are used to using var for everything, I can see how starting to use two different variable declarations can be tricky. Also, because const has more restrictions than let, no variable re-assignment, it’s probably not a coincidence that developers skip using const all together and decide to use let for all variable declarations.

Just to give a quick overview, we should be using const to declare variables that will never be reassigned. On the other hand, let should be reserved for variables that will be reassigned:

const func = () => {
const x = 5; // assigned once
let y = 5; // assigned twice
y = x * 2; return y;


The first line in the markdown file linked above explains:

Stateless functional components are simpler than class based components and will benefit from future React performance optimizations specific to these components.

In my opinion, stateless functional components are cleaner and easier to read. If you don’t need lifecycle methods or state, you may be better off using a stateless functional component. Also, according to an article by Phillipe Lehoux, It seems that you also can benefit from SFCs not by calling the function directly as opposed to using the React.createElement syntax. Here’s an example:

// Bad
class MyComp extends React.Component {
return <div style={this.props.style} />
/* ---------- */// Good
const MyComp = ({style}) => (<div style={style} />)
// Can be called like
<MyComp style={{color: 'red'}} />
// Or (avoiding React.createElement)
const style={{color: 'red'}};


This one may be the simplest of the bunch. It means almost exactly what the error says, we should not be using things before they’re defined. I have seen this one most commonly in files that have functions that call sibling functions within the same file.

// Bad
const doThis = () => butDoThisFirst()
const butDoThisFirst = () => 5
// Good
const butDoThisFirst = () => 5
const doThis = () => butDoThisFirst()



Dwayne Love

Full-stack web developer specializing in ReactJS, Redux, C#, and SQL server