Old Flame | Chance Reunion | Grudges

Goodbye Andi

15 years ago, Andi turned down Rick’s marriage proposal. Today, she’s a successful surgeon. She shows up at his bar, sees him serving drinks, and jumps to the wrong conclusion.

DW Davis
Total Fiction
Published in
10 min readAug 19, 2023


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Rick finished putting a beautiful head on a frosty mug of beer. He put the mug on Cindy’s tray next to the one he’d already prepared.

“Looks like it’s gonna be a good night,” Cindy said as she lifted her tray. “The place is already filling up.”

Rick swiveled his gaze around the dining room. “We need a good showing tonight to get the summer started right. This is Memorial Day Weekend, after all.”

Cindy left with her drink tray. Rick turned to check on the customers at his end of the bar. What had been the last vacant stool was now occupied by an attractive woman in a white blouse.

“I spent four years in college, another four at med school, a grueling internship, and five years as a resident. What do I see when I finally set foot on Buzby Beach again? My high school sweetheart, who is supposed to be off saving the world for Mom, apple pie, and the American way, working as a bartender. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”



DW Davis
Total Fiction

Indie author. Retired Educator. Writer for THE FICTION WRITER'S DEN