GSoC ’18 with Intermine — Week 1

Aman Dwivedi
2 min readMay 20, 2018


Read more about the project in my GSoC ’18 project proposal:

The Coding Phase started on 14th May, and the first week of coding phase is over now. I had planned to setup the project environment and make some basic user interface layout during the first week. You can find the project repository here. I’m maintaining two branches — dev and master — for maintaining the source code (dev contains the latest yet unstable code at any point of time). I’m using the Vue.js framework for developing the entire application. The project mainly focuses on developing a client driven interface for searching the Intermines. I’m using the IM.js library for making the API requests to the Intermine servers. The Intermine Registry API provides the list of currently running Intermines to the Cross Intermine Search Tool. The tool uses the response from registry API to make parallel requests to all the selected Intermine instances. Every selected intermine is allotted a tab on the User Interface where the respective search result is loaded.

List of Intermines loaded on the sidebar from the Intermine Registry API
Selected Intermines have their own respective tabs for showing results
JSON response received from Intermine servers for the search term ‘BRCA1’

Every entity of the application is mobile screen friendly as well. During the upcoming week, I will render the JSON formatted results into list items with a more readable layout and a few more things are on way. I would be glad to receive suggestions from the community regarding the project till now and for the upcoming weeks.

Happy Coding :)

