This is the best app for the Apple Watch.

David Merriman
3 min readMay 16, 2015


Magic is a service where you get anything you want on demand just by sending a text.

Text what you want to the number 83489, and Magic finds a way to get it to you (unless it’s impossible or illegal).

Magic is the best app for the Apple Watch right now. It works beautifully. I’m not alone in thinking this. Especially since, right now, most Apple Watch apps barely work.

The secret is that Magic is a phone number you text, not an app. That means there’s no loading screen. There’s no lag. You’re never stuck waiting for the data to sync from your phone to your watch. You just text it, and it works.

Here’s how I used Magic to order dinner with my Apple Watch:

Step 1: Add the Magic number to your Favorites.

I’ve added Magic to my Favorites to make it instantly accessible at the press of a button. I even went the extra mile and added a nice little M as the picture. You don’t have to, but it makes it look a little more like a “real app.”

Step 2: Press the button on the side of your Apple Watch.

When you press the rectangular button on the side of the watch, you get instant access to your Favorites. Tap the M, then tap the text bubble on the bottom right corner to start talking to Magic.

Step 3: Start talking. Confess to Magic what you want. Be honest.

Yes, this is my real order. Not all vegetarians are healthy.

Step 4: Magic will text back with a recommended option.

I’ve had this meal before, and it’s delicious. Good job, Magic.

Step 5: Want it? Reply by tapping “Yes.”

Ready to order? Just tap “Yes.” Want to make any changes? Just speak out loud what you want to change, and Magic will make the accommodations.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Mmmm…. Greasy and vegetarian!

Remember you can do this with almost anything, not just food, so make sure to not get too carried away and spend all of your money.

Please note:

During your first interaction with Magic, Magic will ask you for some basic information.

Magic already knows my address and has my credit card on file.

The first time you text Magic, however, you’ll be asked to enter this basic info. It’s pretty painless, but you’ll need to do it on your iPhone.

Some requests require a little back-and-forth.

If you ask for an elephant at your wedding, Magic may need to ask you a few questions first.

There is a waitlist of nearly 40,000 people to start using Magic.

Magic is a new service that became popular overnight. The reason for the waitlist is to make sure everyone has a great experience.

It’s definitely worth the wait. But you don’t have wait, because I have a special code to get in.

To skip the waitlist and use Magic, just text “INSTANT” to 83489.

