Hello World!

D.W. Nickerson
2 min readMar 31, 2023


I screwed up and I am sorry.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I am new to the platform and forgot or simply neglected to stick to the basics that you must start any new endeavor with “Hello World!”.

I wrote two “stories” before I realized I had screwed up. Even worse those two stories were not even in my voice. I tried to be something or someone I was not. I will not delete these stories but instead, leave them as a reminder to stay true to myself and never forget to start with the basics.

Who am I? That’s a tough question, really it isn’t but there is a lot to unpack there.

I am a guy who lives in Appalachia but probably not the area you’re thinking of. We will discuss that in the future.

I have lived in several places; Oklahoma, Colorado, Tennessee, Mississippi, and a few visits abroad as well. Again we will discuss these places at a later date.

I have worked in the Aviation industry, the medical field, and in operations as a planner and account manager for accounts over $20 million. But the jobs I have held do not identify me nor are they part of my identity.

I hold an FAA A&P license and a BSc Environmental Science. I have also taken many different courses through universities on various disciplines to gain knowledge or just an understanding.

My hobbies are all over the place and change frequently. I have been accused of having ADHD but I don’t think so. I am just a very curious person. Once I become interested in something I will research it through books, practice it, and pursue it for months or years. I have discovered there are a few things I seem to rotate through in intervals, which could be seasons or years but there are definitely staples. Those staples are photography, computers (I am writing to you on a Linux box), motorcycles, and guitar. Some things I have tried are flintknapping, bow and arrow crafting, woodworking, fly fishing, fly tying, turkey call making, and computer programming in various languages. The one thing that remains constant is learning.

I am a lifelong learner.

I enjoy learning and talking about data statistics, knowledge management, leadership, cyber security, programming, and really just about anything that provokes thought.

I am glad to be here and look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and reading yours.

If you have questions ask.

If you want to know more of my story, give me a follow and I will gladly share.

Thank you for your time,




D.W. Nickerson

Skilled in critical thinking, knowledge management, leadership, and computer systems. Always seeking to simplify processes and increase efficiency.