Life at IUP

Dominic Bruno
4 min readFeb 17, 2024


My name is Dominic Bruno. I am currently enrolled as a first-year student at IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania). I’m writing this to share my experience that led me to IUP and how I feel about the college. I still remember when I decided that I would continue my education at IUP. It was my senior year of high school; I was sitting in class when I applied to IUP. Before this I already visited the campus with a few friends, and I thought it looked good for me. Although IUP was the only college campus I visited during my college search. I do regret that as I wish I had at least visited one other college before my final decision. IUP was everything I was looking for in college.

I wanted to go to a college that was somewhat close to my hometown, IUP is only a little over an hour away from my home. I also wanted a cheaper college; college is expensive no matter where you go but IUP gives out many academic scholarships and their tuition is not that high to begin with. That was another reason why I chose IUP, I received an academic scholarship putting it in my price range. The one other thing I needed IUP to have was a good computer science/math department. My intended major has always been computer science since my sophomore year of high school. So, a good computer science department was important to me. IUP had the best computer science department for me considering the location and price.

My name is Dominic Bruno. I am currently enrolled as a first-year student at IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania). I’m writing this to share my experience that led me to IUP and how I feel about the college. I still remember when I decided that I would continue my education at IUP. It was my senior year of high school; I was sitting in class when I applied to IUP. Before this I already visited the campus with a few friends, and I thought it looked good for me. Although IUP was the only college campus I visited during my college search. I do regret that as I wish I had at least visited one other college before my final decision. IUP was everything I was looking for in college.

I wanted to go to a college that was somewhat close to my hometown, IUP is only a little over an hour away from my home. I also wanted a cheaper college; college is expensive no matter where you go but IUP gives out many academic scholarships and their tuition is not that high to begin with. That was another reason why I chose IUP, I received an academic scholarship putting it in my price range. The one other thing I needed IUP to have was a good computer science/math department. My intended major has always been computer science since my sophomore year of high school. So, a good computer science department was important to me. IUP had the best computer science department for me considering the location and price.

Math and Computer Science Academic Hall ( Most of my classes are here )

After getting accepted to IUP I was a little nervous to go because it is a whole new experience, but shortly after getting accepted I found out three of my friends were also planning on going to IUP. I am now rooming with one of my close friends with my two other friends down the hall. That made the transition into college very easy for me. Also, part of that easy transition, the school and social life here at IUP is very balanced. The schoolwork is not very overwhelming, if you stay on top of your classes, you have more than enough time to go out and do activities that you like to do.

IUP offers many different things for students to get involved in. There’s basically a club for everything here, it seems like that at least. You can join a fraternity/sorority or maybe get one of the campus jobs. There is something for everybody here and many opportunities to meet new people with common interests. If you don’t want to get involved on campus, the town of Indiana also has many things to involve yourself in. For example, I didn’t want a campus job, so I found something off campus to save extra money.

The education here at IUP is overlooked in my opinion. I think a lot of people hear about how IUP is a party school and don’t hear much about the education. Although we do party, from my experience here so far, the education has impressed me. The professors are willing to help if you’re willing to learn. Also, IUP assigns you somebody to help you with meeting graduation requirements which is super helpful. At IUP they want you to succeed, and they give you all the necessary tools to do so. Providing internship opportunities and other career building tools.

I am very happy with my decision to study at IUP. I would recommend it to others to consider studying here. My only complaint would be that they are doing a lot of Construction work now like tearing down older buildings. Other than that, IUP is a good place to meet people with similar interests and start the next chapter in your life.

Old image of when they were building Kopchick ( They are still working on it )

