Polkadot Core-Time: A Proper Business Model for DAOs

3 min readOct 10, 2023



Dr. Wood Quote

Monetizing Core-Time: DAOs at the Heart of Polkadot’s Next Big Marketplace

Polkadot’s core-time becoming the latest interest hotspot. But what exactly is core-time, and how can DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) leverage it to generate revenue?

What is Core-Time? First off we need to know what it is. Core-time is essentially a measure of computational effort allocated in the Polkadot ecosystem, especially concerning para-chains. Given the restricted resources of any blockchain, efficiently allocating computational power becomes crucial. That’s where the idea for a marketplace, such as Corego, springs up — a place where this computational effort, or core-time, can be traded, much like any other commodity.

The DAO Business Model Around Core-Time: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are self-running organizations, directed by pre-set code, and sometimes consensus-based governance. In the context of Corego and core-time:

  1. NFT Order Book Model: Think of every slot or computational period as a unique, tradable entity, much like Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). DAOs can automate the minting, pricing, and trading of these time-slots based on demand and supply.
  2. Utilizing the Substrate Framework: Built using Ink! Smart Contracts initially, the eventual goal might be to use Actor functionalities or a separate ParaTask. This flexibility allows for adaptive development strategies, always targeting the most efficient and scalable approach.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: The Corego Data Dashboard becomes the eyes and ears of the DAO. By continuously monitoring and analyzing market data, DAOs can make informed decisions on pricing, trading strategies, and partnerships. Such data-driven approaches can also be coded into the DAO’s decision-making logic.
  4. Tooling as a Service: Beyond just being a marketplace, Corego offers specialized tools like Partitioning, Interlacing, Assignments, and Transfers. DAOs can offer these tools as services, charging users for their advanced functionalities.
  5. Secondary Market Establishment: As with any marketplace, secondary markets emerge. These are markets where the originally bought core-time is re-traded, often based on changing demands and conditions. DAOs can act as intermediaries, charging fees or commissions for facilitating these trades.
  6. Educational and Onboarding Services: For newcomers, the world of core-time can be overwhelming. DAOs can set up educational programs, tutorials, and onboarding sessions, charging attendees or offering premium, in-depth courses for advanced users.

Connecting Core-Time with the Broader Ecosystem: Corego, while core-time focused, does not operate in isolation. Integrating with other parachains, especially Astar, could open up even more monetization avenues:

  1. Shared Services: Joint ventures between parachains can lead to shared services where users from one chain can access functionalities of another, with DAOs facilitating and monetizing these cross-chain interactions.
  2. Resource Leveraging: As core-time becomes more intertwined with the broader Polkadot ecosystem, DAOs can leverage unused resources from one parachain to address demand surges in another, creating a balanced, efficient, and monetized ecosystem.

In conclusion, as core-time rises in prominence, innovative platforms like Corego present a myriad of monetization opportunities. With DAOs at the helm, leveraging the intricate balance of automation and community governance, the future looks both profitable and decentralized.




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