Future Of Twitter — Elon Musk.

Future Twitter Breakdown.

3 min readApr 28, 2022
Elon Musk Bought Twitt

As many of you may know Elon Musk Is Buying Twitter for $44 Billion. This article will explore various thought processes and factual reasoning's behind Elon Musk's Twitter Purchase.

Did Elon Make A Mistake?

Initially I was shocked to hear that Twitter was being purchased for 44 billion dollars. I really struggled to see the value in Elon Musk's vision for the future of twitter, Until I broke down the provided information.

Active Daily Twitter Users

Active Daily Users.

As of early 2022 Twitter currently has a reported 217 Million active daily users and over 500 million Tweet’s per day. Those 217 million daily users all are monetizable. When thinking of Elon Musk’s future plans for the platform the $44 billion spend may not be as costly as seems. When we breakdown the value of each of those 217 million active users, The estimated expense is $202.76 per daily Twitter user. Elon has already mentioned the idea of a monthly subscription, This would be targeted directly at active users. If the Twitter subscription becomes customary Elon will recover his investment at a much faster rate than currently expected.

Elon Musk on Twitter free speech

Free Speech.

Elon has already stated he wants Twitter to become a free speech platform. This would allow more controversial topics to be posted and discussed, Without the original post being censored or taken down. Unless the content violates the law it will likely remain up. However Twitter's algorithm may not prioritize posts that boarder controversy thus causing them not to overwhelm the Twitter users feeds. Musk says “In a case where there’s perhaps a lot of controversy, then you would not want to necessarily promote that tweet.”

Twitter Town Square.

Making Twitter a place for more organized worldly communication is a great idea. If Elon decides to make Twitter's sense of community stronger the opportunity's are really limitless. Social media is already meant for connecting people in a more general way. Prioritizing the neighborly feel to a global community really opens the door wider for Elon. We've seen apps focus just on connecting people to their community soar. The Next Door app’s $2.1 billion evaluation has proven the value in this connection on a smaller scale.


Allowing a more open conversation can have a positive impact but some worry about the possibility of hate speech being allowed or even promoted. While Musk says “I’m not saying that I have all the answers here.” I’m certain he will provide a plan to tackle these concerns. Although Elon Musk's timeline on introducing these changes aren't clear, These adjustments can make Twitter a more preferred platform to use if enforced properly .

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