Our Own Personal Superpowers and the Core of Them All — The Power of Thought.

Dylan Plosnic
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Childhood Fantasies of Superpowers

As children, we often fantasized about a world of heroes, villains, and most importantly, superpowers. We were fascinated by these superheroes, their powers, their stories, and their glorious victories. We would even try to go Super Saiyan while watching the almighty Goku defeat Frieza, sometimes even lending him our energy to blast his foes with the good ol’ Spirit Bomb!

Unveiling Our True Superpowers

What if I told you that we, as human beings, do have superpowers? Powers that we are simply unaware of, powers that take effort, courage, and consistency to fulfill and bring to life. Yes, we truly do, and it all begins with the core power of all: The Power of Thought.

The Power of Consciousness

Let’s go back, way back, tens of thousands of years ago when we were simple cavemen, living in the wild, barely surviving our day-to-day lives. We didn’t have mobile phones, automobiles, film, music, or even the most common thing today: language.
Over the last tens of thousands of years, our species has shown the highest rate of development on planet Earth, yet most people don’t seem to understand why.
It is all because we are born with something amazing, called consciousness. Consciousness is what has led us to the beautiful (and sometimes remarkably ugly) world we live in today. Civilizations have advanced over many centuries at an outstanding pace, and it only gets faster and faster. How does this happen? We have a select few within every generation who master their consciousness, the mastery of our superpowers. We have called them many things: pioneers, innovators, creatives, philosophers, and so on.

The Power of Thought in Action

Consciousness alone is not the power we speak of, but it is what supplies the energy to bring our powers to action. Our mind, ever so young and adaptable, has the simple ability called thinking. Our thoughts run through our minds 24/7/365.
Yes, even when you are sleeping, and potentially even more so when you master this skill. The issue at hand is that we allow ourselves to waste this time, essentially being unconscious for the majority of our days.
For example, can you tell me what you were thinking about all day? At least 5 to 10 positive, productive, or critical thoughts? If you can’t answer that, you also haven’t tapped into your latent superpower just yet.

Unleashing the Greater Superpowers

How does this superpower work? Well, it’s quite simple, actually. With the Power of Thought, we can truly do, well, anything we want. Let me explain by listing some of the greater superpowers that are built from the Power of Thought:

  1. The Power of Choice.
  2. The Power of Intention.
  3. The Power of Change.
  4. The Power of Persuasion.
  5. The Power of Zen.
  6. The Power of Communication.
  7. The Power of Dominance.
  8. The Power of Freedom.

Do I need to list any more? Simply put, with the Power of Thought, we can think, analyze, empower, and develop every single aspect of our lives, if used correctly.

Harnessing the Power of Thought

There are many ways for us to tap into the Super Power of Thought, including meditation, mental/physical training, healthy diets, healthy lifestyles, reading, studying, hydration, and more. Each of these aspects truly helps us enhance our superpowers. For example, an unhealthy diet can cloud our minds with brain fog, reducing our thought capacity and processes, making us more unconscious naturally. On the other hand, a healthy, clean, organic diet has been proven to help us process information at a much higher rate, with neurons working more efficiently. Some diets even allow us to reach a state of Ketosis, but that will be a conversation for a later date.

Exploring the Depths of Thought

To end this, here are the main topics of discussion we will be touching on in the coming weeks:

1. The 2 Core Thought Processes

  • Conscious Thought
  • Subconscious Thought

2. The 3 Practices of Thought

  • Productive Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Balanced Thinking

We will take a deep dive into each of these subcategories of the Power of Thought. But until then, let me leave you with this thought:

Embracing Our Superhero Status

The human race is the only species on this planet to have built infrastructure, vehicles, mass communities, and so much more.
In comparison to the rest, we are the superheroes of this world, and a lot of the time even the villains.
Let’s not forget to step back into reality and see the remarkable world we have built for ourselves, instead of constantly comparing ourselves to fictional beings. Although, who knows maybe one day we could fly too.

Written by:
Dylan Plosnic.
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Dylan Plosnic

🖋️ Writer from Australia 🇦🇺 | 🌌 Exploring the Mind, Spirit, Health & Philosophy🌀 | 📚 Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mind 🧠