The Top 8 Free AI Tools Right Now 2024

3 min readFeb 5, 2024


In the ever-evolving world of AI, there are numerous free tools that empower individuals and businesses to harness the power of artificial intelligence. These tools simplify complex tasks, boost productivity, and unlock creative potential. In this article, we will explore the top eight free AI tools available in 2024, each offering unique capabilities to transform content, streamline workflows, and optimize AI projects. From converting news articles into captivating reads to visualizing machine learning experiments, these tools make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of coding expertise or language proficiency.

1. PresenAI: Transforming News Articles into Engaging Reads

PresenAI is an innovative, free AI news website that takes ordinary news articles and converts them into interesting, fun, and easy-to-read content. Available in multiple languages, PresenAI allows users to effortlessly translate news articles, making them accessible to a global audience. With PresenAI, even those with limited English proficiency can enjoy captivating news stories.

2. RunwayML: Making AI Easy for All

RunwayML is a user-friendly AI tool that enables users to create and experiment with AI models without any coding knowledge. Designed with accessibility in mind, RunwayML brings the power of AI to everyone, regardless of technical expertise. Explore the possibilities and unleash your creativity with this intuitive tool.

3. Spell: Simplifying AI Model Training and Deployment

Spell is a cloud-based platform that provides infrastructure and tools for training and deploying AI models. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced AI practitioner, Spell simplifies the process of building and scaling AI projects. Discover the ease of creating powerful AI solutions with this user-friendly platform.

4. Hugging Face: Harnessing Pre-trained AI Models for NLP

Hugging Face is a popular AI tool that offers pre-trained models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. With Hugging Face, you can effortlessly perform text classification, sentiment analysis, language translation, and more. Unlock the power of NLP and leverage pre-trained models to enhance your AI projects.

5. Weights & Biases: Visualize and Optimize Machine Learning Experiments

Weights & Biases is a powerful tool for visualizing and tracking machine learning experiments. Gain valuable insights into your AI models, optimize performance, and track metrics with ease. Enhance your understanding and drive better results with this comprehensive tracking platform.

6. Roboflow: Simplifying Computer Vision with AI

Roboflow is an AI tool specifically designed for computer vision tasks. It streamlines the process of training and deploying computer vision models, making it easier for developers to work with image data. Unlock the potential of computer vision and simplify your AI projects with Roboflow.

7. Snorkel AI: Enhancing AI Models with Weak Supervision

Snorkel AI is a data labeling and management platform that leverages weak supervision to train AI models. With Snorkel AI, you can handle large amounts of unlabeled data and improve model accuracy. Supercharge your AI projects and optimize performance with this powerful labeling tool.

8. OpenAI GPT-3 Playground: Exploring the Capabilities of GPT-3

OpenAI GPT-3 Playground is an interactive platform that allows users to experiment with OpenAI’s powerful language model, GPT-3. Discover the capabilities of GPT-3, generate creative content, and explore language processing tasks. Unleash your creativity and push the boundaries of language models with this interactive playground.

In 2024, the world of AI is teeming with free tools that empower individuals and businesses to unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence. From transforming news articles into captivating reads to simplifying AI model training and deployment, these top eight AI tools offer a wide range of capabilities. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced practitioner, these tools make AI accessible, interesting, and easy to use. Embrace the power of AI and revolutionize your projects with these cutting-edge tools.

