Decentral Miami — Custom Ts

Error, be kind, everything’s gonna be okay!

Temporary Malfunktion
4 min readNov 30, 2021

Today and Tomorrow, with digital ax and the global designer network Temporary Malfunktion is showcasing three custom (1 of 1) physical T shirts at decentral Miami- the worlds biggest NFT and DEFI conference during the biggest art week in the US.

Seeing things in a different light the designs use neon threads that glow under ultra violate black lights. Featuring free hand machine embroidery, Leaving loose threads hangng over the pieces, contrasting against close attention to detail lettering, illustration and print.

The print is the main image of the label and was created via self portrait photography, exploring the human reaction to fear in a fight or flight situation — a scream. Inspired by visually representing anxiety and panic disorder, the smoke draws attention to the physical symptoms of the mental illness which include chest pain and periods of feeling breathless. The graphic is featured in look 1 Anxiety from the project pause digital collection. (see the full runway show on Instagram TV)

Error —

Exploring error messages in computer programmes, correlating glitches in a computer system with glitches of the mind. looking at chemical imbalances that cause panic attacks drawing attention to how intense the experience is.

Home shoot for NFT designs

Each letter was freehand machine embroidered on fabric scraps, then cut out individually before being sewn on to the T shirt leaving loose threads hanging over the print design.

Be kind —

Something we should all keep in mind, we never know what others are going through.

Using a check stitch the edges of the panels where embroidered in neon yellow, framing the words. Be kind

Everything’s gonna be okay —

A message we all need to hear from time to time. Exploring the expression of taking a minute to pause, close the eyes and see, manifest and breathe, through fashion illustration. The piece started as a drawing that was blown up in scale when free hand illustrating the design with the needle of the machine on to the back piece, which was then carefully sewn on to the T shirt.

loose threads were tacked across the face to give the illusion of wind blowing through the figures hair.

loose threads —

The aesthetic is achieved by pulling the thread through the needle of the machine to create long strands, pressing the foot of the machine quickly down and back up to secure each strand. This creates loops in the thread that are then cut to single free hanging strands that suspend from the design.

The labels are hand stitched on, each one designed to suit the individual design. A safety pin is attached giving the wearer the option to keep as it is or wear it as a badge as an extra feature.

How would you wear yours ?

Be sure to check the links below and read the first of 3 articles telling the story behind Temporary Malfunktion — A glitch in the system, how it started. Here on medium.

Links to the T Malfunktion Digital Ax designer profile and socials.

As well as more information on mental health and support available!

Posts on socials with more detailed photography to come over the course of the day.


Mental health break the stigma!



Temporary Malfunktion

A digital/physical design house aimed at breaking social stigmas on mental health. Latest collection/project, pause.