Ghislaine’s Last Stand: If Epstein’s Accomplice Tells All, Will The Fallout Be Too Much Even For U.S. Government?

Dylan Howard
9 min readJul 6, 2020

The sensational arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged madam for sex fiend Jeffrey Epstein, is the end game in The Justice Department’s pursuit of co-conspirators in the case of the convicted pedophile.

Unless, of course, Ghislaine, the daughter of disgraced British media tycoon Robert Maxwell, chooses to sing like a bird.

The Southern District of New York, the notoriously tough prosecutorial body who oversaw the Epstein investigation, is known for prosecuting cases they think are unimpeachable if they were ever to go to trial. That means they likely have testimony from dozens of witnesses that place Ghislaine firmly up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Thus, it’s a big if.

Most crooks whom the SDNY indict end up taking a plea deal knowing that if their case were to be played out before a jury, they would almost certainly suffer a harsher sentence than if they were to admit wrongdoing.

So, as the British socialite sits behind bars without bail at Merrimack County Jail in New Hampshire, she is no doubt mulling just what to do next about the six-count indictment that alleged:

· She groomed three unnamed girls, all under the age of 18, in London, New York and Florida, and New Mexico between 1994 and 1997;



Dylan Howard

Described by AdWeek as “the king of Hollywood scoops,” Dylan Howard is an investigative journalist, author and producer with unprecedented access to the facts.