Your Job is a drug

Dylan Collins
3 min readAug 12, 2021


Do you dread going to work every Monday? Do you wish you could just flip your desk over and scream “I QUIT”? Do you look forward to going home every day from the moment you enter the office? Yet you still go to work every day? If you answered these questions with yes, you have been drugged.

Let me explain

Every day you go to your job, work the day, come home, and rinse and repeat. That's how the 9–5 works and that's how it's always going to work. So, you may be thinking why do people do this every day?

Because you are drugged

Your Employer and company realise that this boring 9–5 rinse and repeat system will very quickly make workers unhappy and want to quit, so they have come up with some very cunning ways to work around this issue.

Lots of Paychecks

One of the main reasons why you still stay in your job is because of many paychecks, Studies show that 36.5 percent of people are paid biweekly followed by weekly (32.4 percent), semimonthly (19.8 percent), and then monthly (11.3 percent). Your employer does this so as the bank account is getting a bit dry and empty you get a hit of the money drug. Many researchers show that getting your paycheck has the same psychological effects as being on cocaine, Your brain is tricked into forgetting every negative thing that has happened since the last paycheck. These effects last right up until your next paycheck which in turn keeps you in the rinse and repeat cycle.


Another major reason why your job is a drug is safety, The classic 9–5 is one of the most secure safe ways of making money. You are almost always guaranteed your paycheck. We surveyed one hundred 9–5 workers and 95% of people said that the main reason they do not leave their job is that becoming an entrepreneur is ‘unsafe’ and they are scared to even try. Employers love this because all they have to do is keep paying you and you will keep building their dream.

Tricked with Perks

The final reason why your job is a drug is you are tricked with perks, Perks can range from free parking all the way to a company car and or a promotion. Employers and managers are always looking out for people who aren’t satisfied with the two points I mentioned earlier and then they call them in, trick them with the classic ‘we have noticed you have been working really hard’ speech, hit you with a crappy perk such as free parking, and hope you get tricked with the shiny new perk and get back to work. However, you can work around this. Employers do not want to go through the effort of hiring a new employee so they will do whatever it takes to keep you working for them. You can milk this opportunity by asking for better perks than just free parking and 9 times out of 10 will accept.

How can you get off this drug?

Well, the short answer is you cannot, And the long answer is it takes time. Firstly, you need to make yourself aware of the problems with work and the system, you can do this by simply pointing it out in your job eg. when your employer gives you a perk. Then you can start to find other ways of making income in your own time, And if you are ready. Leave. Leaving your 9–5 is the only true way to be free from the drug.



Dylan Collins

A teenager who is inspired by making money and living life to the fullest. Keep Hustling!