Burdens Associated with Overcrowding and The Bigger Picture

Dylan Rawleigh
2 min readOct 14, 2021


As I progress in my research, I have a better understanding of the burden associated with overcrowding. The article “An Exploration of Secondary School Teachers’ and Administrators’ Interpretation of The Lived Experience of Teaching and Leading in Overcrowded Schools” the writer explains America’s constant struggle to maintain classroom sizes and the burdens that come with overcrowded environments.

Within the article, the author states that within the United States, “ 25% of schools have been at or over enrollment capacity” (Melendez). For example, Florida’s school districts range from 390 to 700 students over capacity. If we think about what this statement entails, we can say that students are at a disadvantage from those who come from standard capacity schools. What is the standard capacity for a classroom? In an ideal world, the average classroom size should be no larger than 23 students. With that being said, we can see that student’s aren’t getting the necessary attention that they need to learn.

What is the bigger picture? The article states that the “consequences of overcrowding transcend the classroom, involving societal ramifications affecting generations, as more students in overcrowded classrooms are driven into the margins” (Malendez). Without an education, nonetheless an education that advances a students learning, people will end up in poverty. Having an education can open up many opportunities and can lead to a high paying job. There are many ways that having an education can have an impact: Improving economic growth, decrease in violence, increase in income, etc. Those who are learning in an overcrowded environment, are more likely to not stay focus, not maintain an understanding, and not receive one on one help. In conclusion, “teachers and administrators in overcrowded classrooms and schools lack the time and resources to address students’, given the burdens associated with overcrowding.” (Malendez).

Having an education is crucial for one to be successful, weather that be in a job setting, taking care of your family, supporting yourself, or completing everyday life tasks and challenges. Though it is not a simple task to fix overcrowded classrooms, it’s important that we bring awareness to the situation and promote kids to stay in school/ attend school.

Melendez, W. (2017). An Exploration of Secondary School Teachers’ and Administrators’ Interpretation of the Lived Experience of Teaching and Leading in Overcrowded Schools. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.



Dylan Rawleigh

Addressing the issue of overcrowded schools and the quality of education.