Spectiv ICO Participation Instructions

Dylan Senter
2 min readDec 5, 2017


How to Participate in the Spectiv Token Sale

The Spectiv Token Sale is live! This document is a resource to help you securely get through the purchasing process. Below, you will be able to find all trusted communication channels, the official token sale address, and instructions on how to purchase token using MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, or Mist.


Refer only to official Spectiv communication channels for accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information on the token sale. Always cross-reference across multiple platforms. Below we have listed all official Spectiv channels and their links.

Website: https://www.spectivvr.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/spectiv-vr

Slack: https://slackpass.io/spectivvr

Telegram: https://t.me/spectivofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectivvr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spectivvr/

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2296908.0

Official Token Sale Address

The official Spectiv token sale address is: 0xc526560cf6ab1755a457248cb9e8669ec7f4b78c.

- DO NOT send payment from exchanges (i.e. Coinbase).

- DO NOT send payment if you are not willing to go through the KYC process.

- We recommend setting your gas limit to 150,000 and max gas price to 70 Gwei.


MetaMask is a user-friendly browser extension that allows users to engage with token sales easily and securely. It is compatible with both Chrome and Brave browsers. Download MetaMask here: https://metamask.io/

1. Click on the MetaMask icon in the top corner of your browser.

2. Setup your MetaMask wallet.

3. Go to https://www.ico.spectivvr.com and login to or create your account.

4. Specify the amount of ETH you want to send, click the “purchase” button, and select MetaMask.

5. MetaMask will then prompt you to confirm the transaction.

6. We recommend setting your gas limit to 150,000 and max gas price to 70 Gwei.

7. Click “Submit” to send payment. (end)


You can purchase Signal Tokens directly through your MyEtherWallet. Get started with MyEtherWallet here: https://www.myetherwallet.com/

1. Select the tab “Send Ether & Tokens.”

2. Select the option “Keystore / JSON File,” select your wallet file, enter your password, and log in to your account.

3. Go to https://www.ico.spectivvr.com and login to or create your account.

4. Specify the amount of ETH you want to send, click the “purchase” button, and select MyEtherWallet.

5. Review your token invoice and put the official Spectiv token sale address into the “To Address” field on MyEtherWallet.

6. We recommend setting your gas limit to 150,000 and max gas price to 70 Gwei.

7. Click “Generate Transaction” to send payment. (end)


You are also able to participate in the token sale using Mist, you can get started with Mist here: https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases

1. Open the Mist application.

2. Go to the “Send” tab in the options.

3. Go to https://www.ico.spectivvr.com and login to or create your account.

4. Specify the amount of ETH you want to send, click the “purchase” button, and select Mist.

5. Review your token invoice and put the official Spectiv token sale address into the “To Address” field on Mist.

6. We recommend setting your gas limit to 150,000 and max gas price to 70 Gwei.

6. Click “Send.”

7. You will now see a summary of the transaction, but it has not yet been executed!

8. Enter your password once more, and click “Send Transaction” to send payment. (end)


