What No-one Is Talking About: Zuckerberg And The Senate Inquiry

Dylan Poulton
4 min readApr 21, 2018

Here’s what no-one is talking the Facebook Senate hearing: Mark Zuckerberg’s outstanding public relations.

The Facebook senate inquiry has been hard to miss. News media outlets are literally having a field day, yet very few of these articles are taking a step back and looking at the actual outcome for Facebook and our data.

If I was in the Facebook PR team, I’d personally be quite proud, they literally turned a PR nightmare into a trading frenzy for FB shares. So, what was so great about Zuckerberg’s responses and composure during the Senate inquiry? Well for starters, he knew his audience… (ironic, I know).

Know Your Audience

It’s almost a shame really, a perfect opportunity to hold Facebook accountable and Capitol Hill was instead left looking out-dated, confused and seemingly further from solving the issue than when it all started on the 10th of April (Honestly, who thought the chocolate analogy was a good idea… I’m looking at you Senator Nelson).

When you are as big as Facebook, you have the resources to acquire the best, and the Senate hearing highlighted this. If you don’t know who was sitting directly behind Mr Zuckerberg during the Senate hearing, you should. Myriah Jordan and Joel Kaplan are basically to PR what…

