Dymension Mainnet is Live

3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Dymension was conceptualized two years ago as a monumental vision of adding another dimension (Y axis) to the Interchain by building a modular Internet of rollups.

Today, with the first block and the birth of Dymension, a new chapter of blockchains begins.

In physics and mathematics, a dimension is defined as the minimum coordinates required to specify any point within it. Similarly, Dymension’s journey follows a phased methodology, where we gradually build the requirements of each phase until all points are covered.

Let’s delve into the upcoming stages of Dymension.

Dymension Hub — The Singularity Point

The Singularity Point signifies the beginning of time, the first block and the birth of Dymension.

Dymension, a layer-one blockchain that launched with a decentralized global set of validators, will initially focus on enhancing economic security. As the security and liquidity layer of the ecosystem, Dymension will focus on aggregating substantial liquidity and stake to support the first batch of rollups on the mainnet.

This phase includes:

  1. Ensuring the Dymension blockchain acquired sufficient delegated stake, and proper operations of the network’s validators.
  2. Establishing all major IBC and bridging connections throughout the crypto landscape.
  3. Proposing the first governance proposals of the Dymension protocol.
  4. Streaming incentives to single asset staking (’deposit & earn’) and the various trading pairs which will form the foundation of the liquidity layer.

Once the above is proven to be stable and functional the protocol is ready to transcend to a higher dimension.

2D Permissioned RollApps

Building on the momentum set by Genesis and following the stabilization and governance approval of the Dymension Hub, RollApp X, the first-ever mainnet IBC-rollup will be deployed to the Interchain.

Once RollApp X functions as planned we will be ready to introduce ‘The Draft’ (more details to be released soon), an exciting process where Dymension governance approves various prominent RollApps to transition from testnet to mainnet alongside the start of Rolldrop Season 2.

3D Permissionless RollApps

After a few batches of rollups on ‘The Draft’ have successfully transitioned from testnet to mainnet and proven to be stable, exponential growth can begin.

Permissionless RollApps phase removes the need for Dymension governance to approve new RollApps. Permissionless RollApps is the epitome of decentralization and encompasses the bet on human ingenuity and crypto incentives. This phase includes the introduction of on-chain incentive streams to RollApps according to TVL. Facilitating the growth and permissionless innovation which will bring both users and vendors to the blockchain marketplace of Dymension.

4D Internet of RollApps

4D is escape velocity mode. This phase transforms Dymension into a thriving online organism, running a circular and self-sustainable on-chain economy that interconnects countless autonomous crypto services, games and applications throughout the globe.

Let’s build this!

Dymension’s vision of the Internet of RollApps exponentially accelerates the Interchain for all, from solo developers in garages to established teams, bringing back crypto to its roots. Empowering anyone to build and connect their own chain to the crypto economy.

Today we take a huge leap forward, this is just the beginning.




Dymension is the Hub of IBC rollups setting the ground for the emerging Internet of RollApps (IBC connected rollups).