Learn More about the Las Cruces Dyslexia Institute

dyslexia institutes
2 min readSep 25, 2017


Dyslexia is a learning disability that includes difficulty in the use and processing of linguistic and symbolic codes, alphabetic letters representing speech sounds, or numeric representing numbers or quantities. Dyslexics have trouble breaking down unfamiliar words into letter-sound segments. As a result, reading is slow and filled with errors. This learning disability is not rare; in fact, there are many with Dyslexia in Las Cruces and across America. It affects nearly 10% of the total population and is by far the most common learning disability. This doesn’t mean your child won’t be affected by living with it. Instead, those with Dyslexia in las cruces to the Dyslexia Institute. Please know that Dyslexia Institutes of America is not only for children. In fact, adults enrolled in the program report increased visual and auditory memory skills, and increased ability to read with comprehension, and better spelling accuracy, many for the first time in their life.

A few facts regarding Dyslexia in the Las Cruces area and how it is managed include:

- Selection of the actual test battery began with an investigation into common characteristics exhibited by dyslexic individuals, resulting in a total of 12 different tests being selected for evaluation. Materials were then designed and purchased to remediate the skills tested on these.

- These tests are read ministered after every 48 hours of therapy and the scores show significant improvement in both cognitive processing skills and phonological acquisition.

- Clients graduating from the individualized Dyslexia program at the clinic are functioning well in the school atmosphere, able to cope with homework and class assignments.

Children don’t outgrow Dyslexia, and professional treatment is needed in order for them to live and learn to the most of their ability. However, it is also not a “disease” that needs to be cured. It is simply a learning disability that must be diagnosed and then managed. When results are given to the parent or adult client, a projection of time is also estimated for completion of the program. Goals and objectives of therapy are outlined, and the rules and regulations of the clinic are explained. Then, you and your child will be well on your way to living a relatively normal life without interference from Dyslexia. Dyslexia Institutes of America has changed many lives over the past decade, but we aren’t done just yet. You or your child could be our next successful student!

