The Most Delicious Food Number 1 in the World

2 min readAug 29, 2023


The cooking process for Rendang Padang, a traditional Indonesian dish:

- 1 kg beef (cut into chunks)
- 400 ml coconut milk
- 3 stalks lemongrass (bruised)
- 4 kaffir lime leaves
- 2 turmeric leaves (if available)
- 2 tamarind slices (asam gelugur)
- 2 tablespoons tamarind paste
- 2 tablespoons oil
- Salt to taste
- Water as needed

Spice Paste (Bumbu):
- 10 shallots
- 6 cloves garlic
- 5 red chillies (adjust according to spice preference)
- 5 dried chillies (soaked)
- 2 cm ginger
- 3 cm galangal
- 2 cm turmeric


1. Prepare the Spice Paste:
— Blend all the spice paste ingredients until smooth. You can add a little water to facilitate blending if needed.

2. Cook the Beef:
— Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the spice paste and sauté until fragrant.

3. Add Beef and Coconut Milk:
— Add the beef chunks and cook until they start to brown.

4. Add Coconut Milk:
— Pour in the coconut milk and mix well. Bring it to a simmer.

5. Add Aromatics:
— Add lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, turmeric leaves, tamarind slices, tamarind paste, and salt. Mix well.

6.Slow Cooking:
— Reduce the heat to low. Cook the beef in the coconut milk mixture, stirring occasionally. As the mixture thickens, continue to stir to prevent burning.

7. Continue Cooking:
— Continue to simmer and cook the beef until the coconut milk reduces, and the meat becomes tender. This can take around 2–3 hours or more.

8. Fry the Beef:
— As the mixture thickens further and the coconut milk turns into oil, start to fry the beef in the oil released from the coconut milk.

9. Stir-Frying:
— Keep stirring and frying the beef until it is caramelized and the color turns darker.

10. Serve:
— Once the beef is dark, tender, and caramelized, the rendang is ready. Remove from heat.

11. Resting:
— Let the rendang rest for a while. This dish is even better the next day as the flavors meld together.

12. Serve:
— Serve the Rendang Padang with steamed rice. It’s a rich and flavorful dish with a perfect blend of spices.

Please note that Rendang Padang is known for its slow-cooking process to achieve the tender and flavorful meat. The exact timing can vary based on the type of beef and the desired tenderness. Enjoy your homemade Rendang Padang!

Check Tutorial Video Trhough This Link :




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