3 min readJan 17, 2019


After capping off a successful year, we’re excited to kickstart 2019 with major developments including significant partnerships

Happy New Year, everyone!

We hope that 2018 was a year full of happiness and success for you and that 2019 brings you even more joy.

2018 has been a very busy year at VREX Lab. Throughout the year, we hosted several meetups to showcase Kydys and the Dyverse in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo. We also participated in several events and conferences around the world. Each of these meetups and events was met with enthusiasm and encouraging words from the community.

Earlier in the year, we launched the Kydy AR app to Product Hunt, where it garnered lots of interest from the PH community and was ranked in the Top 5 Products of the Day. We were later invited to join Plug and Play’s International Accelerator Program in Silicon Valley and selected as one of the first start-ups to enter the incubator program of Ethereum Classic Labs, a leading blockchain incubator whose program kicked off this week.

We also launched a successful Kickstarter campaign for the Dyverse, the marketplace for our 3D AR collectible characters (Kydys), and raised over US $10,000. The Dyverse will give you the opportunity to purchase, breed and trade your Kydys, which can be unleashed into the real world through our Kydy AR content creation app. Let your imagination run wild!

The Dyverse isn’t the only project we’re working on this year at VREX Lab. We have another exciting AR project in the works that will soon be released, and while we cannot disclose many details about it yet, rest assured that the year 2019 will bring its fair share of awesomeness.

Another development we are really excited about is that VREX Lab will now be collaborating with Enjin to integrate Kydys and other items and characters from Enjin’s partner games into the Dyverse marketplace and the Enjin Wallet.

For those of you who are not familiar, Enjin is a leading blockchain gaming company that provides a suite of blockchain tools and products that enable developers to easily create, manage, store, explore, distribute, and integrate blockchain-based assets into games like Minecraft. By providing gamers with an interconnected multiverse (think Ready Player One!), Enjin allows its users to use their items across many games.

Our partnership with Enjin will enable users to use Kydys in numerous games, as well as buy 3D versions of items or characters from their favorite games that can be used on Instagram or Youtube via our Kydy AR app. The possibilities are endless in terms of content creation!

As you can imagine, this will be a busy year for VREX Lab, and we can’t wait for you to join in on the fun.

To start the year on a high note, we have launched the Dyverse platform to Product Hunt today. You can also join us on our Telegram group and chat with us!

Stay tuned — the best is yet to come. After all, content creation won’t disrupt itself.

