2,061 Days in the Making

Ryan Lucas
3 min readJul 12, 2017



It has been 365 days since my last post on xchangehealth and so much has happened. I have been so focused on things at MINES that I haven’t been very active on Twitter or my blog so it’s probably about time for an update and a little taste of things to come at MINES.

As of July 3rd, 2017, MINES is now using a fully-CRM-based Electronic Health Record (EHR) system for patient management. I can’t even begin to explain how big of a deal this is for us, but to suffice it to say that there aren’t many others out there. Why is this so uncommon? Because rather than using the billing method to determine how to organize our records, we use the relationships that people actually have in their lives as our core operating assumption.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, let me put it another way: this was the result of over 5.6 years of planning, designing, and testing (several cycles, in fact) to create a system that would allow for this schema to be viable for a long-term records solution while minimally impacting daily operations and creating the opportunity for further development down the road.

“So what does that “down the road” really look like,” you might ask. I’d be happy to provide some examples!

Create your own (EH)Record!

Beginning in 2018, our clients will be able to submit all of the necessary information to get a referral for sessions and manage their own authorizations and provider interactions.

New provider value scores!

Our patient satisfaction data will be tied directly to patient and provider records, allowing real-time data regarding patient satisfaction for future referrals.

More in-depth reporting for HR!

Beginning in 2018, a new utilization report will be released for HR that provides greater insight into problems at the worksite and what interventions might help improve the operations of the company.

Better workflow for patient management!

Using the functionality that business development has been using for years means being able to apply the workflow of communication and client management to patient coordination.

Deeper insights into how patients actually work with their peers!

As early as 2019 we’ll see the implementation of a social media connection opportunity for those looking to leverage their social networks to improve their therapeutic performance. We’ll also be leveraging the growing relationship data to provide a basis for Social Network Analysis, giving us the opportunity to engage in a population health model at worksites.

A REAL app for an EAP!

Many EAPs have released limited versions of their website and/or online content, which is a start, but the app we will be releasing will allow clients to manage their account, see their appointments, share notes with their provider, and potentially launch an ad hoc telemedicine session.

The end of the traditional therapy model!

MINES will also be launching a new program model for purchase by employers to move away from the traditional “1-some number of sessions” model, allowing employees to call, video, text as they please. This allows for the EAP to work even more proactively with clients and to tailor clinical response to the particular need.

The team at MINES has been exceptionally open and excited about this critical difference in our record structure, and while we opened with a few glitches (as to be expected with any software roll-out) we’ve experienced no disruption in our regular processes.

Today marks the beginning of a new, more data-driven patient management era for the team at MINES and a new opportunity to “save lives and influence the course of human events.”



Ryan Lucas

#salutogenesis, health/psych crossroads, complex adaptive systems, wellbeing, theoricist, like #hitsm. member: #codigitalhealth #CIO @mines_bh