Shortcodes for WooCommerce now support Product Filters!

Nenad Mihajlovic
3 min readSep 4, 2017


All new Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.0

WooCommerce comes with several shortcodes that can be used to insert content inside posts and pages. These shortcodes don’t have any product filters. Plugin Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.0 adds this so wanted function. The thing is, adding filters to any shortcode is now possible by a flip of a switch.

Let’s see how this is used. Showing products on homepage using shortcodes is a nice way to display the wanted stuff right at first sight. However, this can be a bit boring if the products are always static, not changing. Adding product filters to these will improve looks, dynamics and of course your conversion rates.

All shortcodes that are used to display products have the added product filter functions. So, filtering your Featured Products is now easy. Use the [featured_products prdctfltr="yes" ajax="yes" preset="my-featured-products-preset"]. AJAX is fully supported and custom preset can be set.

Want to display your on sale products? Just use the integrated [sale_products] shortcode and add the parameter prdctfltr="yes". Custom preset and AJAX is supported here too, as well as in the 6 more shortcodes. [recent_products], [featured_products], [products], [product_category], [sale_products], [top_rated_products], [product_attribute] and [best_selling_products] all now come with the awesomest product filters.

Integrated parameters for all shortcodes!

These shortcodes all support parameters of their own. Parameters per_page, columns, orderby, order, category can be set here. Product Attribute shortcode has two more attribute and filter. What they don't support is the pagination. But, there's a trick to that. You can use this plugin - Shortcode Pagination for WooCommerce. This plugin adds the pagination functionality to WooCommerce elements.

Multiple shortcodes per page, AJAX support and the ease of use!

Setting up multiple shortcodes on a page with filters is also possible. Check this link for the WooCommerce Shortcodes Demo to see the filters it in action. Another link, showing Filters with Shortcodes on Homepage is here. So, improve your Shop with this plugin! Make your shortcodes fly away from their comfort zone.

It gets better! Filters support Visual Composer WooCommerce elements too!

Visual Composer WooCommerce elements are supported!

Fully integrated. Controls for products filters are added to Visual Composer user interface for the easiest use. No coding skills required!

Product Filter for WooCommerce plugin costs $35, for which you’ll get lifetime updates and 6 months of premium support. When the support period expires you can still use the plugin and automatic updates are free of charge!

Get the Product Filter for WooCommerce!

This article is a re-post! Original article is here! Thanks!

