RNN: Training An English Major

Derek Zhang
10 min readApr 17, 2019


So at this point in FIRE, you should know you can’t just feed sentences into a neural network.

You’re missing the keyword:


That sounds scary but it’s really just a fancy word for arrays; trust me.

I will be demonstrating how to train a RNN to write like Shakespeare.

First we will we have deal with data.
Then we will define our model architecture and finally, do training.

For simplicity, the network will predict on the character level. So given a sequence of characters, predict the next characte
. (See what I did there?)

Keep in mind while the code in this article seems polished, I had to struggle a lot. Yes, even peer mentors aren’t neural net gurus. We’re not there yet but rather are getting there…


First, let’s review what an RNN’s architecture is:

Derived image. Original by François Deloche from Wikimedia Commons.

So you essentially have a sequence of n inputs denoted by x. And then you want to generate another sequence of outputs denoted by o.

When we unroll this, we can see more clearly the role the hidden state plays:

For the hidden layer, and you can think of this as the “memory” of the network or if you are doing natural language processing, the “context”.
This is a “simplified” version of what we will actually do. (Depending on your perspective.)

RNNs are extremely helpful for time series data.


Where is this data?

I am getting data from here:


Backup link:

His blog covers training an RNN too and it is in PyTorch and Lua. (I will be using Keras of course.)

Since this data is small, we can just load everything in:

with open("shakespear.txt") as f:
text = f.read()
uniques = list(set(text))
# consistency for id generation
char2id = {k:i for i, k in enumerate(uniques)} id2char = {i:k for i, k in enumerate(uniques)}

You will notice this is highly naive as will the rest of the article be.


The model has to learn lowercase and uppercase letters. That is fine but also there are new line characters and different punctuations.

I decided to just go with this for simplicitly and the fact I found the data is not very noisy.
(It’s Shakespeare! You will fall asleep… no noise. Just kidding, I actually really like the to be or not to be.)


Now onto converting characters to tensors. The simplest way, as you might guess, is to one hot encode them.

def to_tensor(char2id, text):

tensor = np.zeros((len(text), len(char2id)))
for i, e in enumerate(text):

tensor[i, char2id[e]] = 1
return tensor

How do we test or perform a sanity check?

def to_text(id2char, tensor):

char_list = []
assert len(id2char) == tensor.shape[1]

first, second = np.where(tensor == 1)
assert first.shape[0] == tensor.shape[0]
for i in range(second.shape[0]):

return ''.join(char_list)

Make a decoder of course! To test you run this and verify that they are the same:

# test with first 8 characters
test = to_tensor(char2id, text[:8])
print(to_text(id2char, test))

Now we can write a generator!
Note that I have chosen the “context” characters to be 32 for faster training. This is how many characters the RNN is given to predict the next character.

def the_generator(char2id, text, batch_size):
# minus one for target character
l = len(text) - ARBITRARY_LENGTH - 1
picker = np.arange(0, l)

up_to = l - batch_size
i = 0
while True:
if i >= up_to: i = 0
input_list = []
target_list = []
for j in range(batch_size):
index = picker[i + j]
text[index : index + ARBITRARY_LENGTH]))
text[index + ARBITRARY_LENGTH]))
yield (np.array(input_list), np.array(target_list))
i += batch_size

Great right? We implemented things modularly and we just need to call to_tensor in the generator function. Now all we have to do is define and train the model.


This implementation (at least for 100 context characters) would take TEN HOURS per epoch to train on Google Colab.

That is without multiprocessing, and a Tesla K80 GPU.

So I had to go back and modify the data generator.

What did I do? Well, multiprocessing requires a class generator. (Otherwise there is some duplication of data error). Think of it as implementing a list.

Luckily, the next batch doesn’t depend on the previous batch here.
Note that I forgot to turn off random for the validation generator.
In this case, I set the batches just right so it is a multiple or something.
You should be more careful than I am and add a random boolean parameter to the constructor.

class DataGenerator(tensorflow.keras.utils.Sequence):


'Generates data for Keras'
def __init__(self, char2id, text, batch_size):
self.char2id = char2id
self.text = text
self.batch_size = batch_size

self.l = len(self.text) - DataGenerator.ARBITRARY_LENGTH - 1
self.picker = np.arange(0, self.l)
self.lenchar2id = len(char2id) def __len__(self):
'Denotes the number of batches per epoch'
return int(np.floor(self.l / self.batch_size))
def __getitem__(self, batch_index):
'Generate one batch of data'
start_index = batch_index * self.batch_size input_arr = np.zeros((self.batch_size,
target_arr = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.lenchar2id))
for j in range(self.batch_size):

index = self.picker[start_index + j]
for k, e in enumerate(self.text[index : index + DataGenerator.ARBITRARY_LENGTH]): input_arr[j, k, self.char2id[e]] = 1
# end for
target_arr[j, self.char2id[self.text[index + DataGenerator.ARBITRARY_LENGTH]]] = 1
# end for
return input_arr, target_arr def on_epoch_end(self):
'Updates indexes after each epoch'
# create objects
# Just so happens (1025 - 1 - ARBITRARY LENGTH) % BATCH_SIZE = 0
VAL_SIZE = 1025
train_gen = DataGenerator(char2id, text[:-VAL_SIZE], batch_size = BATCH_SIZE)
val_gen = DataGenerator(char2id, text[-VAL_SIZE:], batch_size = BATCH_SIZE)

Since these are list like:

# to test you can

So it turns out Google Colab kept dying on me because if I idle, it disconnects or something.

So I used my AWS credits that has been sitting and waiting to be used for over one and a half years!


Rent a 16 CPU compute optimized “Elastic Computer Cloud” instance on AWS!
It is called ‘c5n.4xlarge’.
(Unforunately I didn’t know until after the fact that I could use my credits for GPUs. If I had, of course I would’ve used the GPU.)

Previous train configuration:

workers = 1
max_queue_size = 10

Current configuration:

workers = 32
max_queue_size = 4096


Oh right how can I forget, I didn’t even show you the model architecture!


So the actual way I am implementing this is as such:

Here we have to classic “TO BE OR NOT TO BE … THE QU” and we want to predict the next character which is E.
Keep in mind that the weights are reused across all inputs. Recall that first picture with one strip.
(Otherwise we would basically have a feedforward network with a lot more weights!)
Also note that I have also abstracted the output of the “intermediate” layer away.

This is what I implemented at first:

input_layer = KL.Input((ARBITRARY_LENGTH, len(char2id)), name="the_input")x = KL.LSTM(62, return_sequences=True, name="intermediate")(input_layer)
x = KL.LSTM(62, activation="softmax", name="the_output")(x)
model = Model(input_layer, x)model = Model(input_layer, x)model.summary()model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

There are 62000 parameters.
In practice, Keras does not return each output by default. It only returns the last output.

I have set “return_sequences=True” for the intermediate layer to implement this kind of architecture.

Now does this code seems correct?
You guessed it!


After training for 12 epochs or so, I got loss as NAN!
My gut and research told me it might have had something to do with ‘categorical_crossentropy’ using logarithms.

It would’ve taken me 100 years to debug had I not experience with tensorflow.

I’m being serious!

Instead we will use relu activation:

input_layer = KL.Input((ARBITRARY_LENGTH, len(char2id)), name="the_input")x = KL.LSTM(62, return_sequences=True, name="intermediate")(input_layer)
# used to do softmax but experimenting here
x = KL.LSTM(62, activation="relu", name="the_output")(x)
model = Model(input_layer, x)model.summary()

But Derek, that’s wrong! You can’t train categorical with relu. And you’d be right… unless tensorflow comes to the rescue!

x = KL.LSTM(62, return_sequences=True, name="intermediate")(input_layer)
# used to do softmax but experimenting here
x = KL.LSTM(62, activation="relu", name="the_output")(x)
model = Model(input_layer, x)model.summary()def customLoss(yTrue,yPred):
return tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(yTrue, yPred)
model.compile(loss=customLoss, optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

Wow, what a very sophisticated one line custom loss function!

What we are doing is moving softmax and categorical cross entropy into the loss function. Tensorflow automatically applies some epsilon and this gets rid of the NAN problem. (I have read the documentation so trust me.)

I believe since softmax is just scaling everything to sum to one, we can still do inference the same by using argmax.

When training, it is very helpful to save the weights periodically in case something goes wrong:

# make sure logs directory ALREADY EXISTS
checkpt = KC.ModelCheckpoint('./logs/weights.{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}.hdf5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=True, mode='auto', period=1)

Now we can train :)

VERBOSE = 2# minus 1
model.fit_generator(train_gen, epochs=EPOCH_END, verbose=VERBOSE,
callbacks=[checkpt], workers = 32,
max_queue_size = 4096)

The complete code can be found here:



It’s not the best, but I will just use the latest epoch for fun and see what happens.

For prediction you can use this:

predict(how_many, put_into_this, char2id, id2char, model):

assert len(put_into_this) >= ARBITRARY_LENGTH

for i in range(how_many):

input_this = to_tensor(char2id, put_into_this[-ARBITRARY_LENGTH:])
max_this = model.predict(input_this[np.newaxis])

This is one of the most memorable line I read from Hamlet:

Get thee to a nunnery, go. Farew…

Feeding it into the model, the model outputs this:

Get thee to a nunnery, go. Farewell, and bear to the great of the prentnged the manion, and break not the sirrant

Seems like it’s making up words. Cool!

I have a notebook for inference (with a link to the weights) in the Github repo.



A pretty evident shortcoming is that the model only predicts on each 32 character. Essentially this architecture forces the model to forget any characters before that.

Another shortcoming is all the different the characters the model has to predict. We used unique characters in the document and trained. We might not have enough data (98KB) to be able to focus on different capitalizations, punctuations, etc.

One of the most important shortcomings is SPARSITY. Only 1 out of the 62 inputs is a 1 and the rest are all zeros! This is not the best way to train. Although optimizers like Adam can handle this, it is still not ideal.

We will see in future articles about embeddings to decrease sparsity in order to have a compact and meaningful representation.

More predictions


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Romeo and Juliet

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