Blockchain Engineering: EigenLayer, ERC4626 and magic of auto-compounding

Dennis Vashchuk
2 min readApr 20, 2024


This is quick notes I put in the blogpost so someone could find it useful. I don’t have time for a good structured blogpost, I used this as a public note to document challenges and solutions I implemented.

I spent this weekend participating on hackhathon and playing with EigenLayer. We built ERC4626 that abstract staking into EigenLayer Operators and do auto-compounding.

Overall EigenLayer looks so raw and limited as something that could be used for investments and retaking. 3things that I discovered and that wasn’t obvious

  1. Rewards are not supported yet, so you stake but don’t get rewards, so autocompounding doesn’t work yet at our side as well.
  2. One address can stake only to one Operator, so you can’t diversify you portfolio. We bypassed this by creating a new smart contract that manage one Operator.

Testnet operators

I also have difficulties with listing Testnet operators.

I need to find the list of available operators with metadata on Holesky, Is the only way to do that to explore AvsDirectoryStorage.sol

Operators are stored in AvsDirectory in the mapping

    /// @notice Mapping: AVS => operator => enum of operator status to the AVS
mapping(address => mapping(address => OperatorAVSRegistrationStatus)) public avsOperatorStatus;

But I you can’t iterate over it, it is EVM mapping. But there is an event

emit OperatorAVSRegistrationStatusUpdated(operator, msg.sender, OperatorAVSRegistrationStatus.REGISTERED);

You can see all the events smart-contract emitted on etherscan, but it didn’t display `OperatorAVSRegistrationStatusUpdate` for me.

Then I figured out that these events are emitted on the `AVSDirectory` Proxy contract.

Also, you can use web3.js to get events from RPC

const events = await contract.getPastEvents("OperatorAVSRegistrationStatusUpdated", {
fromBlock: 19492759,
toBlock: "latest",

At the end, I learned a lot of stuff and challenges smart-contract developers have. Developing smart contracts requires different approaches for solving problems. And when you understand how EVM and blockchains works, it makes troubleshooting a lot easier. Like when you understand how you computer works and you write software for it.

