Deploy a Static Website on AWS

Eugene Miguel
36 min readApr 24, 2023


I will walk you through deploying a static website on AWS using the management console


  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01
  2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate SAA-C03
  3. Don’t just complete the project. Its important that you understand why we are using these technologies and how they work together


Welcome back to another project! We will learn how to host/deploy this HTML website on AWS. We will also learn how to use my reference architecture to host this website using various core AWS services and how they work together:

  • VPC with public and private subnets
  • Security groups
  • EC2 instances
  • NAT gateways
  • Application load balancer
  • Route 53
  • Certificate manager
  • Auto scaling group and more


  1. Build a three-tier AWS network VPC from scratch
  2. Create NAT Gateways
  3. Create security groups
  4. Create an application load balancer
  5. Register a new domain name in route 53
  6. Create a record set in Route 53
  7. Register for an SSL certificate in AWS certificate manager
  8. Create an HTTPS (SSL) listener for an application load balancer
  9. Create an auto scaling group
  10. Clean up
VPC Reference Architecture

We will start by creating a custom 3-tier VPC using the reference architecture above. In a 3-tier reference architecture, our infrastructure is divided into 3 tiers.

Tier 1 — we have the public subnet which will hold the resources such as NAT gateway, load balancer, and bastion host

Tier 2 — this is our private subnet which will hold our web servers (EC2 instances)

Tier 3 — another private subnet which will hold our database

We will duplicate these subnets across multiple availability zones for high availability and fault tolerance.

Lastly, we will create an internet gateway and route table to allow the resources in our VPC to have access to the internet.

VPC Reference Architecture

  1. VPC with public and private subnets in 2 availability zones
  2. An internet gateway is used to allow communication between instances in VPC and the internet
  3. We are using 2 availability zones for high availability and fault tolerance
  4. Resources such as NAT gateway, bastion host, and application load balancer use public subnets.
  5. We will put the web servers and database servers in the private subnets to protect them
  6. The public route table is associated with the public subnets and routes traffic to the internet through the internet gateway
  7. The main route table is associated with the private subnets

Part 1: Build a Three-Tier AWS Network VPC from Scratch


In the management console, select the region where we want to create our VPC. According to our reference architecture we need to create this VPC in the N. Virginia region.

Its AWS best practice to use IAM instead of root account

Either select VPC from the console or type VPC in the search bar above.

In your VPC dashboard select VPCs or the Create VPC orange box

Let’s give our VPC a name. Let’s select VPC only and call it Dev VPC.

Based on our reference architecture we will enter in the IPv4 CIDR block.

We will leave the IPv6 CIDR block and Tenancy to default. Let’s click Create VPC at the bottom right.

It will give us a successfully created message

We can also see all the VPC that we created by clicking the drop down arrow on Select a VPC box — let’s choose the one we just created

Let’s enable the DNS host name in our VPC by selecting Actions and Edit VPC settings

Under Edit VPC settings make sure that Enable DNS hostnames is checked then click Save

We have successfully enabled the DNS hostnames in our VPC

Internet Gateway

The next thing we are going to do is to create an Internet gateway for our VPC. You can find and select Internet gateway at the left side menu of Your VPC

Let’s select Create Internet gateway, give it a name — Dev Internet Gateway and click Create internet gateway

Now, we need to attach the internet gateway to the VPC we created earlier. This will allow the VPC to communicate with the internet.

Just simply click Attach to a VPC in the green banner above

Select the Dev VPC that we created and click Attach internet gateway. This is the only VPC that will show in your account this doesn’t have any internet gateway attached to it. We can only attach one internet gateway to one VPC

We successfully attached the internet gateway to our VPC. The Details show the State and the VPC ID

Public Subnets

Let’s create our public subnets in the first and second availability zones. Ensure that its still filtered to our Dev VPC then click Subnets at the left side.

Once you are in the subnet page, click Create subnet

Let’s select the VPC where we want to create our subnet in — let’s choose Dev VPC

Let’s give our subnet a name. Based on our reference architecture, we will call it Public Subnet AZ1 and put this in the us-east-1a Availability Zone

The CIDR block should be and click Create subnet

We have successfully created our first public subnet in the us-east-1a Availability Zone.

Let’s create our second subnet in the us-east-1b Availability Zone and click the Create subnet button at the top right.

Select the same VPC

We are going to call it Public Subnet AZ2 and place it in us-east-1b Availability Zone — based on our reference architecture

Select and enter in IPv4 CIDR block. Afterwards we can Create subnet

Good work! We have successfully created our 2nd public subnet in the us-east-1b Availability Zone. If you select Clear filters it will show you the 2 subnets that we created this region — remember to filter it to your Dev VPC to populate these

Remember to check the following:

Public Subnet AZ1 is in us-east-1a AZ

Public Subnet AZ2 is in us-east-1b AZ

Moving forward let’s enable the Auto assign IP settings for these 2 public subnets. This means that anytime you launch EC2 instance in these public subnets, those EC2 instances will be assigned a public IPv4 address.

Let’s select Public Subnet AZ1 click Actions and click Edit subnet settings

Under Edit subnet settings and Auto-assign IP settings check the Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address

Scroll all the way down and hit Save. We are going to do the same procedure for Public Subnet AZ2.

Under Edit subnet settings and Auto-assign IP settings check the Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address and we are ready to Save

Next is we need to create a public route table. Based on our reference architecture, we will call this Public Route Table.

Let’s click Route tables on the left side. The route table that we see was set up when we created the VPC. This is the main route table and its private by default.

Click Create route table. We will call it Public Route Table. Make sure to select Dev VPC under VPC before clicking Create route table

We have successfully created our Public Route Table

Let’s add a public route to the route table. This will allow the route table to route traffic to the internet. First, let’s make sure that we are on the Routes tab then click Edit routes

Click Add route

To add a route that routes traffic to the internet to this route table, we will add under Destination and the Target should be the Internet Gateway igw-0d4cf65f60faaed05. When this is all filled in we can click Save changes

We successfully added a route to the internet to our public route table. You can see it under the Routes tab

Let’s associate the 2 public subnets we created earlier with this route table. Let’s ensure that we are still under Public Route Table

Click Subnet associations and click Edit subnet associations. On this page, we can see the 2 subnets that we created previously

Under Edit subnet associations select both Subnets and Save association.

Good job! We have associated the 2 subnets that we created to the Public Route Table. These will now show under Subnet associations tab

To finish creating our VPC we need to create 4 private subnets. So let’s click Subnets at the left side and Create subnet

We will still stick to our Dev VPC under VPC ID and based on our reference architecture let’s name it Private App Subnet AZ1 and choose us-east-1a Availability Zone.

Our CIDR block should be and we are now ready to Create subnet

There you go! We created our 1st private subnet in the us-east-1a Availability Zone. Doing the same procedures above let’s create the next 3 private subnets using the settings below and referring to our reference architecture:

2nd Subnet


Subnet name: Private App Subnet AZ2

Availability Zone: us-east-1b

IPv4 CIDR block:

3rd Subnet


Subnet name: Private Data Subnet AZ1

Availability Zone: us-east-1a

IPv4 CIDR block:

4th Subnet


Subnet name: Private Data Subnet AZ2

Availability Zone: us-east-1b

IPv4 CIDR block:

We have successfully created all 4 subnets. To see these let’s click Clear filters and filter it by Dev VPC

Let’s also review and make sure that we put each subnets in the right availability zones.

Before we move on to Part 2 of our project, let’s discuss about an important thing.

Difference between public and private subnet

When we create a route table and add a route to that route table to route traffic to the internet, any subnet you associate with that route table becomes public.

Basically, a public subnet is associated with a route table that is able to route traffic to the internet.

On the other hand, when you have a route table that does not have a route to the internet, any subnet you associate with that route table is private.

To show you why these 2 subnets are public

and these subnets are private

let’s look at the VPC we just created. To verify these, click on Route Tables and filter it by our VPC — Dev VPC

Let’s select Public Route Table and Routes tab, this route table is routing traffic to the internet. So any subnet we associate with this route table becomes public.

The Subnet associations tab shows that we associated both Public Subnet AZ1 and AZ2 to this route table. That is what makes these 2 subnets public.

On the other hand, let’s select the main Route Table. Uncheck the Public Route Table and select the main Route table — this was created when we created the VPC.

The main Route table is private by default it is only routing traffic locally in the VPC and it doesn’t have a route to the internet

Further, we created 4 private Subnets we did not associate them with any route tables. By default, they will be associated with the main Route table which is private. Going back to the main Route table under Subnet associations

Let’s scroll down to Subnets without explicit associations. It says The following subnets have not been explicitly associated with any route tables and are therefore associated with the main route table.

On the next part of our project, we will create a NAT Gateway and private Route tables. We will explicitly associate our private subnet with our private Route tables but for now we will let the Private subnet be associated with the main Route table which is private by default.

Part 2: Create NAT Gateways

NAT Gateway Reference Architecture

NAT Gateway Reference Architecture

  1. The NAT Gateway allows the instances in the private app subnets and private data subnets to access the internet
  2. The Private Route Table is associated with the private subnets and routes traffic to the internet through the NAT gateway.

We need to create a NAT gateway in the first and second availability zone using the reference architecture.

Let’s head to the Console Home and start, shall we?

Before creating the NAT Gateway let’s make sure that we are in the region where we created the VPC, hence N. Virginia us-east-1

Click VPC

Select NAT gateways

Click Create NAT gateway

We will create the first NAT gateway in the Public Subnet AZ1. We will call it NAT gateway AZ1 and we will put this in the Public Subnet AZ1. We also need to click the Allocate Elastic IP button

Now we are ready to click Create NAT gateway. It should bring us to the NAT gateway created successfully page

Next is we need to create a route table. We will call it Private Route Table AZ1. Select Route tables at the left side and hit Create route table

We will call this Private Route Table AZ1 in Dev VPC then hit Create route table

The next page should say Route table was created successfully.

Let’s add a route to the Private Route Table AZ1 to route traffic to the internet through the NAT gateway in the Public Subnet AZ1

Under Routes tab click Edit routes then Add route

Internet traffic is always so we will select that as our Destination

Our target will be NAT gateway and we need to select NAT gateway AZ1. We’re ready to click Save changes the next page shows Updated routes for Private Route Table AZ1 successfully

Great work! If we scroll down we can see the route here

Next we will associate Private Route Table AZ1 with Private App Subnet AZ1 and Private Data Subnet AZ1.

Let’s click the Subnet associations tab and Edit subnet associations

From the list of available subnets below we need to select Private App Subnet AZ1 and Private Data Subnet AZ1 then click Save associations

We have successfully associated Private App Subnet AZ1 and Private Data Subnet AZ1 to the Private Route Table AZ1 as shown under Explicit subnet associations

and Explicit subnet associations under Subnet associations tab

Now let’s create our second NAT gateway in the Public Subnet AZ2. The next steps are similar to what we did previously. Click NAT gateways at the left

Hit Create NAT gateway

These are the information that we need to put

Name: NAT Gateway AZ2

Subnet: Public Subnet AZ2

Elastic IP allocation ID: Allocate Elastic IP

We have successfully created our second NAT Gateway

Now let’s create another route table named — Private Route Table AZ2. Click Route Table at the left side

Click Create route table and here are the information that we need to in the Route table settings.

Name: Private Route Table AZ2


Once all settings are complete click Create route table

Next is we will add a route to this route table to route traffic to the internet through the NAT gateway in the Public Subnet AZ2

Let’s click the Routes tab and Edit routes

Click Add route and enter the following information


Target: Nat Gateway AZ2

Click the Save changes button and we have successfully updated routes for Private Route Table AZ2

Lastly, we need to associate this route table with Private App Subnet AZ2 and Private Data Subnet AZ2.

Let’s go to Subnet associations tab then click Edit subnet associations

We’re going to select Private App Subnet AZ2 and Private Data Subnet AZ2 then click Save associations

We have successfully updated the subnet associations for Private Route Table AZ2 as shown under Explicit subnet associations

It will also show under the Subnet associations tab then Explicit subnet associations

Good work! This is how we create NAT gateways to allow resources in the private subnet to have access to the internet.

Part 3: Create Security Groups

Security Groups Reference Architecture

According to the security groups reference architecture, we will put the web webservers in the private subnets and we will use an application load balancer to route traffic to those web servers.

These are the 3 security groups that we will use for this project

ALB Security Group

  • Port 80 and 443 with source 0.0.0/0
  • This is the security group that we will add to the application load balancer

SSH Security Group

  • Port 22 with source Your IP Address
  • Remember when you create an SSH security group you should always limit the source to your IP address

Webserver Security Group

  • Port 80 and 443 with source ALB Security Group
  • Port 22 with source SSH Security Group
  • This is the security group that we will add to our EC2 instance

Let’s head over to the console and create the security groups and we will use the information from the reference architecture.

In the console home click VPC

At the left hand side click security groups

Click create security group

Enter the following settings

Basic details

Security group name: ALB Security Group

Description: ALB Security Group


Inbound rules — we will add 2 rules

1st rule

Type: HTTP

Protocol: TCP

Port range: 80


2nd rule


Protocol: TCP

Port range: 443


Once we opened the ports let’s click Create security group

We successfully created the ALB security group

Let’s create the SSH security group. Click security groups to go back one directory

Click create security group and enter the following settings

Basic details

Security group name: SSH Security Group

Description: SSH Security Group


Inbound rules

Type: SSH

Protocol: TCP

Port range: 22

Source: My IP

This is the only rule that we need to add to our SSH security group let’s click create security group

We successfully created the SSH security group

The last security group that we will create is going to be used for our EC2 instance. Click security groups to go back one directory

Click create security group

Click create security group and enter the following settings

Basic details

Security group name: Webserver Security Group

Description: Webserver Security Group


Inbound rules — we will add 3rules

1st rule

Type: HTTP

Protocol: TCP

Port range: 80

Source: ALB Security Group — this is how we limit a traffic to a particular security group

2nd rule


Protocol: TCP

Port range: 443 — this is an internet traffic that is encrypted

Source: ALB Security Group

3rd rule

Type: SSH

Protocol: TCP

Port range: 22

Source: SSH Security Group

This completes the rules that we need for our webserver security group. Click create security group.

We have opened ports 80, 22 and 443 — we have limited them to a specific security group.

Alright, let’s create an application load balancer.

Part 4: Application Load Balancer

Reference Architecture
  1. VPC with public and private subnets in 2 availability zones
  2. An Internet Gateway is used to allow communication between instances in VPC and the internet
  3. We are using 2 Availability Zones for high availability and fault tolerance
  4. Resources such as NAT Gateway, Bastion Host, Application Load Balancer uses Public Subnets
  5. We will put the webservers in the Private Subnets to protect them
  6. The NAT Gateway allows the instances in the private app subnets to access the internet
  7. We are using EC2 Instances to host our website
  8. Application Load Balancer is used to distribute web traffic across an auto scaling group of EC2 instances in multiple AZs.
  9. Using Auto Scaling Group to dynamically create our EC2 instances to make our website highly available scalable, fault-tolerant, and elastic
  10. We are using Route 53 to register our domain name and create a record set
  11. We will store our web files in a GitHub repository

Let’s go to the Console Home. We will launch an EC2 instance in each of the private app subnet.

Click EC2 from the console home and select Launch Instance

Let’s add a tag to our EC2 instance. Click Add additional tags under Name and tags and enter these settings

Key: Name

Value: Webserver AZ1

On Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) select Amazon Linux 2023 AMI

It’s going to be t2.micro under Instance type

In Key pair (login) let’s select the key pair that we created previously

Click Edit under Network settings and enter the following information


Subnet: Private App Subnet AZ1 (we are going to launch this EC2 instance in this subnet)

We need to use the security group we created previously

Under Network settings choose Select existing security group

We’re going to leave the storage to their default settings.

These are the commands that we will need shortly

sudo su
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
cd /var/www/html
cp -r jupiter-main/* /var/www/html/
rm -rf jupiter-main
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd

Advance details — go to User data

  • This is where we are going to add our bash script to install the website. Remember to paste it as plain text

We are now ready to click Launch instance

Photo by Nimi Diffa on Unsplash

and we should get a Success page.

Click View all instances at the bottom right and we have launched our first EC2 instance in the private app subnet AZ1.

Let’s launch our second EC2 instance in the private app subnet AZ2. We will be doing similar steps we did previously so let’s click Launch instances again and enter the following information.

Key: Name

Value: Webserver AZ2

Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image): Amazon Linux 2023 AMI

Instance type: t2.micro

Key pair: myec2key


Subnet: Private App Subnet AZ2

Security Group: Webserver Security Group

Storage: Default

User data: Enter the same command shown below

sudo su
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
cd /var/www/html
cp -r jupiter-main/* /var/www/html/
rm -rf jupiter-main
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd

Once all settings are entered we can launch our second instance and select View all instances. Let’s wait and ensure that the Instance state is running and Status check says 2/2 checks passed

Now that we have successfully launched our EC2 instances in the private app AZ1 and private app AZ2, we are ready to create the Application Load Balancer that will route internet traffic to those EC2 instances.

On the Instances page at the left side scroll down to Load Balancing and select Load Balancers

Create load balancer

Select Application Load Balancer and hit Create

Enter the information below. Let’s leave the settings that are not mentioned to default

Load balancer name: Dev-ALB


Mappings: us-east-1a

Subnet: Public Subnet AZ1 *you always want to place your ALB in the public subnet

Mappings: us-east-1b

Subnet: Public Subnet AZ2

Security group : ALB Security Group *remove the default security group

Listeners and routing

Protocol: HTTP

Port: 80

Let’s click Create target group this will open a new window/tab. A target group is how you specify the EC2 instances that you want your application load balancer to route traffic to.

Choose a target a type: Instances

Target group name: Dev-TG

Protocol: HTTP

Port: 80


And let’s hit Next. Under Register targets, select both Instance ID and click Include as pending below

Click Create target group under Review targets

And we get a successful message

We still need to associate this target group to a load balancer. Going back to our load balancer tab/window head back to Listeners and routing, go to Default action under Listener, we should be able to see and select Dev-TG if we click refresh

We can click Create load balancer it will bring us to this page.

Let’s wait until the the State turns from Provisioning to Active. Afterwards, put a check beside our Dev-ALB and copy the DNS name

Open a new tab and paste the DNS name that we copied and it should bring us to this page

Well done! The application load balancer is routing internet traffic to the EC2 instances in the private subnets and we can access the website using the DNS name of our application load balancer.

Part 5: Register a New Domain Name in Route 53

We will register a new domain name in Route 53. This will allow our end users to access our website using that domain name instead of the domain name of our application load balancer.

In the Console Home type and select Route 53 in the search box above to bring us to the Route 53 Dashboard

We need to check if our domain name is available so scroll down to Register domain box type your preferred domain and hit Check

The domain name that we are trying to register is available and if you click Select it will add it to your shopping card

There are also Suggested available domains to choose from

In the Selected domains box at your right click Proceed to checkout

Review the Pricing then click Next

Complete the Contact Information and click Next. Leave the Admin contact, Tech Contact, and Privacy protection to their default settings.

  • It will no longer ask for your payment information because that has been set up when you created your AWS account

On Review and submit check all the information and tick the Terms and condition box before hitting Submit

You will get a confirmation page and you may need to wait for few minutes. If you click on Requests at the left hand side you will see the domain with the Status of Domain registration in progress. You may need to click refresh.

Your domain name should be registered after about 15 minutes and you should see it under Registered domains

This is how we register a domain name in Route 53. Keep up the good work!

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Part 6: Create a Record Set in Route 53

Reference Architecture

We will create a record set in Route 53 to point our domain name to the application load balancer.

In the Console Home, under Recently visited select Route 53

Select Hosted zones at the left menu and click your domain name

Click Create record

Enter the following information and click Create record

Record name: www

Alias: toggle this option

Route traffic to

  • Alias to Application and Classic Load Balancer
  • US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1]
  • Dev-ALB

We have successfully created our record set in Route53 and we are pointing our domain name to the application load balancer

Moving forward we will use our domain name to access our website. Copy the Record name under Record details at the right side. Open a new tab and paste the record name in the address bar.

Good job! We can access our website using the domain name.

This is how we create a record set in Route 53 and point the record set to the application load balancer.

Part 7: Register for an SSL Certificate in AWS Certificate Manager

We will create a free SSL certificate from the AWS certificate manager. We will use this certificate to encrypt all communications between the web browser and our web servers.

Whenever you visit a website and it has this lock icon, that means that all communications between your web browser and our web site is secure.

Currently, for our website the communication between the web browser and our website is not secured.

That is why we will use SSL Certificate to secure all communications between the web browser and our website — also referred as Encryption in transit

In the Management Console search Certificate Manager

Click Request a certificate

We are going to Request a public certificate click Next

Under Domain names we will enter the domain we want to request this certificate for.

After typing your domain name click Add another name to this certificate to add a wildcard for your domain name. This allows you to have “"

In the second empty field type *. followed by your domain name.

We will leave the rest to their default settings and click Request

We have successfully requested a certificate. To view this click View Certificate

The Status says Pending validation because we need to create a record set in Route 53 to validate that this domain belongs to us.

So let’s click Create records in Route 53

Let’s make sure to tick the box beside our domain name and wild card then click Create records at the bottom right

We have successfully created DNS records in Route 53 to validate that these domain names belongs to us. If you refresh the page the Status of the SSL certificate is Issued

The Status of 2 domain names that we requested the certificate for should show Success

This is how we create and request an SSL certificate from the AWS Certificate Manager

Part 8: Create an HTTPS (SSL) Listener for an Application Load Balancer

We will use SSL certificate to secure all communications to our website. In the Console, type EC2 in the search box or just simply click EC2 in your Recently visited

At the left menu, scroll down and select Load Balancer under Load Balancing

Tick the box beside our Dev-ALB and select the Listeners tab

Click Add listener. Under Listener details enter these information

Protocol: HTTPS

Port: 443

Default actions should be Forward

Select Dev-TG as our Target group

Select your Default SSL/TLS certificate in the Select a certificate drop down box

click the Add button at the bottom right

We have successfully created a SSL listener and it is forwarding traffic to our target group.

One other thing that we need to do for our HTTP listener is we need to change the default action to redirect traffic to the HTTPS listener. Let’s select HTTP:80, click Actions and Edit listener

Under Default actions, Remove the Forward to action

Select Redirect under Default actions

We will redirect it to HTTPS with Port 443

Scroll down and click Save changes. We successfully modified our HTTP listener.

Under HTTP listener we are redirecting traffic to HTTPS

Now let’s check if our website is secure. Open a new browser type https:// followed by your domain name then press enter

There you have it! Communications to our website is now secure you can also see the Lock icon which wasn’t there earlier.

This is how we use the SSL certificate to secure the communications to our website.

Part 9: Create an Auto Scaling Group

Reference Architecture

In this part of our project, we will create an auto scaling group to dynamically create and scale our EC2 instance in the private app subnets.

Before we do that, let’s head to the Console and terminate the EC2 instance that we manually created.

Select EC2 from your recently visited

Click Instances (running) under Resources

Select both instances

Click Instance state and Terminate instance

Click Terminate in the prompt box

Wait until the Instance state says Terminated

Before we create our auto scaling group we need to create a launch template — this contains the configuration of our EC2 instance that the auto scaling group will use to launch instances in the private app subnet.

Let’s select Launch Template under Instances and click Create launch template

Enter the following information

Launch template name: Dev-Launch-Template

Template version description: Launch template for ASG

Provide guidance to help me set up a template that I can use with EC2 Auto Scaling should be checked

Select Quick Start in the Application and OS Images then choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI

Let’s use the following information below

Instance type: t2 micro

Key pair: myec2key

Network settings: Webserver Security Group

Click Advanced details and head to User data. We will use the bash script to install our website

sudo su
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
cd /var/www/html
cp -r jupiter-main/* /var/www/html/
rm -rf jupiter-main
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd

And we are ready to click Create launch template. Click View launch templates

We can start creating our auto scaling group. At the left menu click Auto Scaling Group under Auto Scaling

Select the Create Auto Scaling group

Enter the following details

Name: Dev-ASG

Launch template: Dev-Launch-Template

Hit the Next button


Availability Zones and subnets: Private App Subnet AZ1 and Private App Subnet AZ2

Hit Next. Under Load balancing we are going to attach our auto scaling group with the application load balancer we created earlier.

Load Balancing: Attach to an existing load balancer

Attach to an existing load balancer: Choose from your load balancer target groups

Existing load balancer target groups: Dev-TG | HTTP

Enable Turn on Elastic Load Balancing health checks

Check Enable group metrics collection within CloudWatch and click Next

We want the auto scaling group to maintain 2 EC2 instances, it can scale down to a minimum of 1 instance or a maximum of 4 instances. Click Next

On the next page hit Add notification. Under SNS Topic select the SNS topic that we created previously. If you don’t have a topic you can click Create a topic

Let’s click Next. Under Tags enter the details below

Key: Name

Value: ASG-Webserver

Hit Next. Under Review page check all the details of our launch template and click Create Auto Scaling group

We have successfully created our auto scaling group with the desired capacity of 2, minimum of 1, and maximum of 4. If we check our instances we should have 2 running. Let’s go back to EC2 Dashboard and view the 2 instances running

We can say that these EC2instances are created by the auto scaling group because it shows the tag name that we created — ASG-Webserver

We should be able to access our website. Let’s open a new window and type the domain name of your website

This is how we create an auto scaling group.

Clean Up

We have used all the resources on our reference architecture and completed this project. Let’s clean up our AWS accounts so that we don’t get charged.

Auto Scaling Group

Select Dev-ASG and click Delete

Launch Template

Application Load Balancer

Select Dev-ALB and click Delete load balancer

Target Group

Select Dev-TG and click Delete

Security Groups

Go to VPC from the search box and click VPC. Under Security Groups check the Webserver Security Group. Click Actions and Delete security groups

Next, click both SSH and ALB Security Group and delete them

Its ok to leave the default security group.

NAT Gateway

Select NAT gateway AZ1 and do the same procedure for NAT gateway AZ2

Wait until the State says Deleted


Select Dev VPC, click Actions and Delete VPC

This will show you all the resources that will be deleted. Type delete and click Delete

The default VPC will be left available and that is fine.

Elastic IP

Select both Elastic IP click Actions and Release Elastic IP addresses

Route 53 Record Set

Under Records select the A Type record and click Delete record

Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

Congratulations! Thank you for completing this project with me. Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to see you on my next project.

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Eugene Miguel

Cloud DevOps Engineer • AWS Certified Solutions Architect