CS373 Fall 2023: Emma Albright

Emma Albright
2 min readOct 1, 2023

What did you do this past week?

I had to take an exam for CS349 and also finish the website for part 1 of the project in this class. It was a very stressful week and caused a lot of mental anguish, but I got through it, if not in the best shape.

What’s in your way?

Time and motivation are a big problem in my schooling in general. It is hard to get motivation for a project you know will just beat you into the ground, so I tend to put it off even though I shouldn’t.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will work at least 2 hours and both the code for this class and the code for CS439 in hopes of not being in a huge rush at the deadline like I was this week.

What did you think of Paper #6. The Open-Closed Principle.

I thought it was interesting. It was a lot of stuff I learned over the course of my internship and it would have been super useful to know beforehand so I couldn’t begun working on projects faster.

What did you think of of Python’s reduce and iteration?

They’re very useful. Being able to iterate through something is nice because then you can use things like the for loop very easily in Python. Reduce was also an interesting concept because of how it takes another function.

What did you think of of Project #2: IDB1.?

I think it’s super cool. Making something that other people can use and look at for information or other needs is one of the main reasons I went into computer science in the first place, so it made me happy to see the end result.

What made you happy this week?

My friends really kept me going this week. We had a couple of good relaxation as well as study days that kept things structured and got me out of my appartment.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

There is this really cool website that generates the CSS for a box shadow for you.


